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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I thought the same at first. But, this site has had a LOT of people come and go. Most dont even write success stories.  Probobly because when they are healed, they never look back. The ones that write success stories are typically the ones that have had to endure this for a very, very long time and had significant withdrawals. You can even sift through old posts in sections of the forum where people were posting consistently for a long time and then stopped.


Theres really only a few outcomes it could be:


1) They reinstated

2) They miraculously felt better

3) It really was a different, underlying issue (Thyroid issues, Previous issues, etc...)

4) They stopped coming to BenzoBuddies for various reasons (Freaked them out or whatever)

5) Well, I dont really wanna write this one. Im sure you know what it is. But, I choose to believe that the majority of people fight the hard fight and never give in.


The fact of the matter is, yes...it can take a long time. Will it for you? Who knows. We dont know. We just dont know. And thats the hardest part about this. On average it takes 6-12 months for people to be fully healed. There are going to be a few people that extend beyond that range. But, typically they were on a significantly high dose for 10+ years. If you take a moment and notice the similarities between stories, it can be really re-assuring.

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