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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Help with the worst side effect of diazepam...


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I'm starting 14 mg this week.  I've been dropping 1 mg per week and while I am a bit on edge, I've noticed if I get a good nights sleep, it goes A VERY LONG way to helping the side effects the next day.


My problem comes when I don't get enough sleep for a couple nights in a row.  I've tried diphenhydramine hcl @ 50 mg a couple of times and while it makes me feel a bit "hung over" the next day, I at least get a good nights rest.


Is this a good solution to my problem?  Would it be better to go to the doctor and get something else to help with my sleep?  Thanks for any help...  :)





I should also note that I'm having issues with body temperature.  I feel extremely hot/sweaty/oily ALL the time.  Is there anyway to bring my body temp. down?  I've read taking a low dose of Tylenol could help but I have yet to try it.  Right now I'm just taking 2-3 showers per day... I don't use soap every time but I get in just to cool off a bit, wet down my hair and stuff...

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Diphen is probably pretty safe to take for a while.  Same for doxy (found in Unisom)  Some people have success with melatonin.  I used all of the above at times as well as cannabis (cannabis worked the best for me, but I've now dropped it). 


If diphen is working for you, go for it.  Like all meds, it's probably best used for a fairly short period of time (weeks, not years).

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Diphen is probably pretty safe to take for a while.  Same for doxy (found in Unisom)  Some people have success with melatonin.  I used all of the above at times as well as cannabis (cannabis worked the best for me, but I've now dropped it). 


If diphen is working for you, go for it.  Like all meds, it's probably best used for a fairly short period of time (weeks, not years).


Yeah, I'm definitely trying to limit my use of it.  I've only used it twice in the past couple of months.  Thanks for the help.  Do you know if doxy doesn't give you the "hungover" feeling as much or not?

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Doxy definitely leaves me feeling groggy in the morning, but I'm usually OK by around 10 am.  I figured that a couple hours of grogginess was worth it for a half-way decent night's sleep.
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Doxy definitely leaves me feeling groggy in the morning, but I'm usually OK by around 10 am.  I figured that a couple hours of grogginess was worth it for a half-way decent night's sleep.


Definitely.  Thanks for the reply!

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Have you tried melatonin?? Doesn't work for me but it does for many people. Its always safer to stay with over-the-counter stuff rather than seeing a doctor. All they can offer are benzos and Z drugs. Or other possibly dangerous drugs.



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