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Constant sensation of hunger and other gastro issues


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Hi all,


I could use some advice reassurance about gastrointestinal issues in withdrawal. One of my worst, most hated symptoms has been a feeling of intense hunger (read: STARVATION) despite having a full stomach. I feel this gnawing in the center of my chest, between the breastbones (NOT in my stomach). Earlier in my withdrawal this feeling was constant, but at this point it can come and go and is improving overall.


But I still wake up every night with what feels like gnawing hunger pains, accompanied by a sort of spinning, squishing sound in the back of my head. Food can usually relive it, and sometimes it goes away on its own. Occasionally I will have this feeling all day long, for several days at time (like right now). It's HORRIBLE. I can hardly think straight or do anything when I feel like this. It feels like I'm dying of hunger.


I've researched this symptom, and it can sometimes be cause by ulcers, gastritis, GERD, etc. I am worried but cannot afford to see a doctor right now. I also get random spells of morning retching (although not nearly as much as I used to - it's actually pretty rare now whereas it used to be daily for the first 11 months or so of withdrawal), unexplained bloating and fullness, random attacks of nausea and thirst (again, much improved), and recently I've been having trouble swallowing at night.


Please, someone tell me this could all just be withdrawal! And maybe suggest something to help with this symptom... antacids don't seem to help, and I'm so tired of feeling like I'm starving, even if it is much less common for me nowadays. I just feel scared and worried and am SO SICK of always having something wrong with me.





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There's another thread further down the page on constant eating and being stable. I have it quite badly. All my symptoms rev up after about an hour after food. I think it's part of it. Look at the other thread.


Love Buddy

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Thanks Buddy. I have low blood sugar issues too, but this symptom can happen totally independent of that. I can feel starving before, during, and after eating, even when my blood sugar is great and my stomach is full. It feels more like a gnawing hunger in the middle of my chest. I hate it. I'm pretty sure it's gastritis.



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Yup, diagnosed with Gastritis. Hunger is definitely a symptom. Food relieves it absolutely. That's how I gained 30 pounds during my w/d. I take zantac. It helps a lot. My doctors feel that the gastritis was caused by the stress from w/d and the constant changing of my neurochemicals, all of which are not only present in your brain but in your gut....which they refer to as your second brain.


I also use carafate/sucrafate and many people are helped by DGL.


I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia over and over despite my perfect blood sugar levels. They just did not have another explanation for it until they found the gastritis. The hunger used to wake me every single night and still does...a piece of bread or rice cake usually does the trick.

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