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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Struggling with concentration because of benzodiazepine use.


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I take valium, usually 7.5mg - 10mg (probably not much for veterans but I'm quite skinny so that contributes) when I have to go to work or uni, have been for a few years, as I have huge problems with anxiety. My problem is that I can't concentrate at all, everything is just tuned out, drowned by this fog of nothingness, and I find myself so numb and uncaring. Studying, even thinking is so difficult.

I cannot stop taking them right now but I need tips on how to somehow improve my concentration because my studies and work are suffering.



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Hi and welcome, imacat.


Sorry to hear that you're having what we call 'cog fog'.  It's very common in benzodiazepine use and in withdrawal as well.  It's possible that you've hit tolerance, which means your body is used to the amount you've been taking and requires more in order to function normally.  This is a huge problem with this class of drugs.  When this happens, one has two choices: either go up in dose or taper off.


You can read more about benzodiazepines in this excellent resource: Ashton Manual


You haven't said that you want to start tapering but here's a link to General Taper Plans.


Here's a link to the Anxiety board as well.


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Take care,

Challis  :)

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I'm imacat (are you?... just kidding. I'm not one, but I'm certainly the mother of two..lol..)


I'm glad you've found BB. What you are experiencing is very common, and as Challis said, you really only have two choices - you either increase your dose, or you taper off, and I certainly wouldn't be recommending you increase your dose unless you absolutely had no alternative. So that leaves us with tapering off. This would definitely be my preferred option, and would definitely be better done sooner rather than later, before your dose does get any higher.


I know a thing or two about valium, after just finishing my taper from 5mg. It can be a long journey, but it doesn't have to be uncomfortable or scary. If you are studying I totally understand that you need to be as functional as possible and that starting a taper is probably very daunting. That's why I would recommend you think about doing a daily taper.


There is a lot of evidence on this forum that those in the lower doses of valium who do daily tapers often seem to cope better with the tapering side effects than if they try to follow the "cut and hold" or Ashton Methods. It doesn't need to take any longer than doing a cut and hold taper. In fact in some cases it can actually be faster because your body only has to deal with tiny cuts every day rather than large cuts every few weeks.


However, there is no right or wrong way to taper. Everyone has to find their own path, but I know from personal experience that I could never have tapered off my dose if I hadn't found out about daily tapering.


If you'd like to have a look at the method I used, check out the first 2 links in my signature below.



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Hi imacat,

How is it going for you? How can we be of help to you now?

By the way, I have to ask about your name.....are you a "cat person" (as I am?)



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Not well to be honest I can't even bring myself to think about going off them, I just hate my life so much; my job, my studies; everything. I regret my career choice because it's totally not for me.

Oh yes, a cat person all the way, I love cats, I have a cat-daughter ; ) and a cat's personality.

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I love cats too. I have two of them (a cat-daugher and a cat-son), and they are the joys of my life :)


I'm sorry you're feeling so low, but I'll bet it's the valium that's doing that to you. These damn drugs just mess with your brain so much. They lie to you, and they make you think things that just aren't true.


What dose are you taking at the moment? Do you feel reasonably stable on that dose? You said you were taking 7.5-10mg. Are you still taking an irregular amount? The best thing is to pick one dose and stick to it. Maybe that might be the higher dose of 10mg. The dose really doesn't matter, as long as it's the right dose to make you feel reasonably okay. Then once you are feeling a bit better you can think about how you want to proceed from there.

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I have two...Peggy and Oreo. (I wasn't very creative when I named them!) I have always had cats. Love everything about them (except kitty litter and excess shedding!)


Imacat - I just re read your Intro. Are you aware that benzo CAUSE concentration and memory problems??? They sure do, big time.




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I have two...Peggy and Oreo. (I wasn't very creative when I named them!) I have always had cats. Love everything about them (except kitty litter and excess shedding!)


Imacat - I just re read your Intro. Are you aware that benzo CAUSE concentration and memory problems??? They sure do, big time.





Yes, I know it can be one of the side effects so I was wondering if there's a way to cope with that. Tried red bulls but then they just kill off valium's effect a little bit... Oh trust my, cat shedding is nothing comparing to a dog!


I love cats too. I have two of them (a cat-daugher and a cat-son), and they are the joys of my life :)


I'm sorry you're feeling so low, but I'll bet it's the valium that's doing that to you. These damn drugs just mess with your brain so much. They lie to you, and they make you think things that just aren't true.


What dose are you taking at the moment? Do you feel reasonably stable on that dose? You said you were taking 7.5-10mg. Are you still taking an irregular amount? The best thing is to pick one dose and stick to it. Maybe that might be the higher dose of 10mg. The dose really doesn't matter, as long as it's the right dose to make you feel reasonably okay. Then once you are feeling a bit better you can think about how you want to proceed from there.


I'm not sure, I've been depressed even before I started taking it. However, I guess it made it worse, and also made me just  numb in a way, too, for example I don't even enjoy the good things anymore.

Now I usually take it about 5 x per week. Usually I will take 7.5mg in the morning, mix it with propranolol 10mg (for arrythmias). Then in the evening, if I want to get a really good night's sleep or had a super stressful day, I will take another 2.5mg, another propranolol and 10mg antihistamines. Sometimes with a glass of wine, or two. So yeah it's still pretty irregular. But I'm worried that if I permanently stick to 10mg it will make my tolerance worse.  :stretcher:

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Nope. Sorry, but once a benzo is causing this, the only answer is to get off it. Upping your dose will only work for a while. There has to be an end point in this.

You don't like your career choice - can you change it? Is that what you are studying? Why waste time on something you really don't love?

Benzos make us THINK we are coping....but we really aren't. Its like putting on a cap and pulling it down so your whole head and face is covered.....We become muffled, cut off, out of it.



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Yeah that's what I'm studying, already have a part time job in it too. I can't really change it.. it's thousands work of debt (+£30 000) that needs to be paid off. I picked it because I wanted to challenge myself, and prove to myself that I can do it.. I hoped I will be able to get over my anxiety issues in time, etc. but sadly, that didn't happen.
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