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Slow heart beat and ligh headed ness!!!


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Hi all


I am feeling light headed and my heart rate is about 63/64 beats per minute can someone please tell me wtf is this.....checked my sugar and bp they are fine......


I had some homeopathy for palpitations and also had 12.5 mg of a beta blocker, also had magnesium citrate....


Could this have caused it.....I am really struggling.....can someone please re assure me about this....



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Normal heart rate is 60 to 100, so your heartbeat is in normal range.  Lightheadedness can be from a number of things.  Withdrawal is one, low blood sugar (which you already checked) is another. 


I've never had a beta blocker but I just looked quickly on Google and it appears beta blockers can cause lightheadedness, so maybe that's it. 

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Hi challis


I am feeling lousy, I don't know if I am right but I got a new batch of valium from some connections and that seems totally off even the packing is different, I am wondering if it is some fake stuff, cause I have never felt so lousy my palms and feet are continuously sweating .....I am exhausted though this morning I walked an hour with ease.



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Hi challis


I am feeling lousy, I don't know if I am right but I got a new batch of valium from some connections and that seems totally off even the packing is different, I am wondering if it is some fake stuff, cause I have never felt so lousy my palms and feet are continuously sweating .....I am exhausted though this morning I walked an hour with ease.



Bey, if this isn't from a pharmacy, there's no guarantee of anything.  Do you have a doctor to call?

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I spoke to my doctor today he says all these symptoms are normal anxiety, he is convinced I am suffering from anxiety and nothing else, doesn't believe in benzo withdrawal ..... Do these sound like anxiety symptoms to you to.



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Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, and yes, you probably are anxious. Most of us in benzo withdrawal are anxious.  I'm sure worrying about whether your Valium is authentic or not is a worry as well.


If your doctor is the one who prescribed it and it's from a pharmacy I'm sure you have no worries about its authenticity.



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Hi challis


My doctor doesn't prescribe it for me any more I get it from other sources, I just want to feel like I was feeling literally a week ago ( which was shit) but better than this crap.




( scared even to sleep)

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If you're getting it off the street then there's no guarantee.  I think I'd come clean with my doctor and not take the chance on street purchased drugs.  You don't know what you might get.
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