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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Help to stop ativan


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Hi,  I am a parent of an adult disabled with autism, seizures and misc.  My child has been on various medications for numerous years.  Presently she is now on 1 mg of ativan, twice daily.  I have been slowly reducing her other medications also.

I would like to continue to reduce, but need more information.  I am hesitant because I have not found the medical support I feel I need to continue.  It is difficult since my child is nonverbal and has behavioral issues.

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Hello annmarie :hug:  Welcome to benzobuddies


We strongly advise anyone with any form of seizure activity that they should  see a neurologist before beginning a benzodiazepine taper, and  should remain under his care throughout.  It’s possible that a brain prone to seizures could get into a pattern of brain storms while tapering, it's important that you have professional medical advice. We do have a lot of information here and we would be happy to support you but I could not give you advice


Have you spoken to a doctor of your intentions to taper your daughter off  Ativan.  Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be an extremely challenging process. Have you read the Ashton Manual “Professor Ashtons Manual” It is an authoritative resource on benzodiazepines, it will give you some idea of the withdrawal process.  It also explains how these meds affect the body, and  gives a list of symptoms that are caused by withdrawal or reduction.  Prof Ashton recommends a 5/10% reduction every 10/14 days.


Please let us know how you get on


Take care




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