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Help morning depression


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Hi I am struggling bad with morning anxiety and depression . It's there as soon as I wake up like a black cloud and I'm very tearful . I refuse to cry and give in to it . Any advice how to deal with this , it's driving me nuts . It does wear off as the day goes on . Thanks


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Hi tragaz,


So sorry to hear you are having such difficult mornings, mornings are a bad time for me too and for many other members, I believe this is due to high cortisol and low blood sugar.


Here is a link to an explanation of why we can experience morning anxiety and there are some good tips to help with it :








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I also wake with a black cloud over my head. It's a horrible thing.


I just try and distract myself with TV, Internet, and most importantly, phone calls to friends and family.


My dad is well used to my morning calls at this point! I find just hearing the voice of a loved one makes things better. This is purely subjective obviously, but I hope you can find a small bit of solace in this horrible time.


You'll be in my thoughts.

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Hi I am struggling bad with morning anxiety and depression . It's there as soon as I wake up like a black cloud and I'm very tearful . I refuse to cry and give in to it . Any advice how to deal with this , it's driving me nuts . It does wear off as the day goes on . Thanks



I have some advice.  Get a mood chart and keep track.  Keep track of the time you feel pretty good, and then you will have something to look at when you feel bad in the mornings.

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I did not taper but I did go through horrible feeling of gloom and impending doom each morning. It would go away as the day went on. Finally it started to dissipate by month two. As unpleasant as the symptom is it is only temporary.
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Man, I know the morning crap! I don't feel depressed but feel just awful! It starts at 3am-5am and only starts to fade around noon! I feel like I want to crawl out if my skin! It's an awful debilitating feeling! Sorry you are struggling too  :'(



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Hi I am struggling bad with morning anxiety and depression . It's there as soon as I wake up like a black cloud and I'm very tearful . I refuse to cry and give in to it . Any advice how to deal with this , it's driving me nuts . It does wear off as the day goes on . Thanks



You feel better as the day goes along?  Hold onto that!  I feel similar when I wake up but right around this time I feel pretty good!  It helps to remind myself that I'll feel good later in the day.. things will get better.  Also, it won't ALWAYS be this way.  Someday you will feel good when you wake up, too. :)

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