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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron madness Help please!!!


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I spent 5 years in tolerance withdrawal before I learned what was causing my symptoms and how to get off Klonoplin and Remeron.  In 1/12 I began a 17 month taper from 6/10ths mg of Klonopin.  I finished Klonopin on 6/8/13.  I then waited 5 months and began a 10 month Liquid titration from  30mgs Remeron.  While both tapers were pretty awful, I found the Remeron taper to be worse.  It got especially bad in the last month of the taper.  Then I brought the Remeron down to .05mgs and 9 days ago, I stopped it, having brought it down to .05mg.  Two days later I was hit with complete insomnia.  When I was at about .15 of Remeron, I was still sleeping and it got worse over the next few days of the taper.  Then, once completely off, I lost the ability to sleep at all.  Not even 5 minutes of sleep in the next 5 nights.  Being up all night with these awful symptoms of anxiety and belly bloat/pain/nausea , began a pattern of fearing getting into bed, dark ruminating thoughts all night, and feeling pretty awful all day from the usual anxiety symptoms plus unbelievable fatigue.    I was very tempted to go back on the Remeron at a slightly higher dose, but have resisted doing this so far.    On the advise of another sufferer, as well as my doctor, I took Unisom, an antidepressant.  Benadryl had not worked earlier.  This put me to sleep for 9 hours, albeit with a antihistamine hangover all day.  The next night it didn't work at all !!!  Others had told me that the same thing happened to them with Unisom.    I have been using high CBD med MJ up to now to help with horrific symptoms, but it would not put me to sleep.  I went to a pot store and they suggested a Chai tea infused with large amounts of THC.  I used it two nights ago and it put and kept me asleep.  LAst night, however, I awoke after 4 hours with great anxiety and bellyache/anxiety in my belly.  The only thing I did differently last night was not to use any CBD capsules before bed to perhaps temper the THC in the chai tea. For now, I think that is what happened. Anyway, I'm really beginning to get frantic over this. 


I was hoping that since I did a 10 month LT at 10%/month, and slept OK pretty much the entire time, that just stopping at 99.6% off wouldn't be too much of a difference and that my symptoms would sort of stay the same after stopping.  Wow, was I wrong.  What happened and why didn't the gradual taper prevent this drastic change in symptoms and sleep?


I am feeling very trapped and hopeless. I can still get some symptoms releif with the various cannabis CBD products I have, but again, don't want to be doing this all day and night, and it hasn't helped with the insomnia.


Has anyone else dealt with this from Remeron, and how long did it take for this to settle down and for sleep to return?

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You might see if you can find a high CBN (cannabinol) mmj sample.  Cannabinol is a pretty good sedative.  It's an easy analyte to quantify in a lab.  It's usually indicative of old pot that hasn't been cared for very well, but it's certainly helped me to sleep (I've recently curtailed using mmj for sleep, fwiw).  I occasionally see samples with CBN contents in excess of 1%.
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I'm surprised that your having such a hard time coming off if it.  I was on 30mg  mirtazapine for a year and when I came off of it and I did a fast 1 week taper using just  cannabis and diphenhydramine and occasionally temazepam. I  slept fine  and I didn't have any other withdrawal symptoms...granted I didn't have a previous benzo addiction  at the time.
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I too have come off remeron/mirtzapine 45 mg after a number of years but I came off it before tapering my benzo which I am reducing since July. I am hope you can stabilise your sleep patterns soon too. Maybe it was wise to come off it before my benzo, I do not know? I wish you the best and hope you can find something to help in the meantime. There are lots of ad that might help instead just for a short while. I have no comments on cannabis or any further substitute but maybe your dr can help with a milder ad that can help with sleep or melatonin and other alternatives might be helpful.
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