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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Adrenaline rushes are killing me!


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I don't know how much more of this I can take. I'm scared to take Propranolol or Clonidine. Same feeling I used to have when I had high blood pressure.
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My wife and I are fighting and not talking and it's making me 100x worse!

Yea true that.

I will never fight until I get better, just not worth it.

I'm like Gandhi now.


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I try my best not to fight but she bought a stupid cat when we have lots of bills and the Damn thing is sick. Long story short she has spent about 350 bucks in 3 weeks on it. Not to mention the anxiety the thing has caused me and the smells I'm so sensitive to. I'm getting sx just typing this!
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Even my own kids tend to get on my nerve. Imagine a cat.

I'm not a cat lover (one scratched me when I was 4 or 5, and I STILL remember).

I would cap-nap it and send it to my mom (yea, I'm evil.  But nothing is worth the suffering when can be avoided). 


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Take the clonidine! I know it's another pill but it really did help with the withdrawal symptoms! I took it for a month and a half while I was withdrawing from ativan! Once I decided I didn't need it anymore, it took me 3 days to taper off! It was worth it!!!
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My wife and I are fighting and not talking and it's making me 100x worse!

Yea true that.

I will never fight until I get better, just not worth it.

I'm like Gandhi now.


This is my motto now also. Just try to avoid it at all cost...yes dear, whatever u want dear...OK dear.

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I've taken Clonidine before several times but in recent months it seems to cause me some pretty bad side effects. Even at really low doses. I'm not getting the rushes anymore but that 3 days I was were brutal. Actually I should say they are manageable now and not nearly as bad. Getting my anxiety back but it's not too bad either. Thanks for the responses.


Let's just say the cat doesn't bother me much anymore, we have an understanding now.  >:D

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My wife and I are fighting and not talking and it's making me 100x worse!

Yea true that.

I will never fight until I get better, just not worth it.

I'm like Gandhi now.


This is my motto now also. Just try to avoid it at all cost...yes dear, whatever u want dear...OK dear.


Been doing that for 7 years! I just can't handle it when she's acting like a moody bitch when I'm in the sate I'm in. I mean she's always moody and bitchy and I'm always nice about it but I'm sick of that crap, especially now I just can't deal with it when I'm so reved up. I still do a pretty good job though and we never fight. Only like 1 fight per year which is great considering my previous relationships. At the same time I know me being in withdrawal isn't easy on her but it doesn't mean I have to put up with it all the time. The cat was the last straw.

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