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Bizarre ear sensation


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Well I've read that ear trouble is very common in W/d.....i've had tinnitus, and some dizziness.


Today I woke up with ear crackling noises and bubbling like sensations in one ear when I open my mouth or pull at my ear lobe.  If i push on my ear cartilage, same thing.  It got better in the afternoon, but if I just pull at my ear just a little, it starts up again.  Crack, rush, bubble, creak.  Just the left side.


Could be unrelated and just a lit of fluid in my ears.....but this is out of the blue.  I never had this in my life.  I haven't been sick, or sneezing or anything.


A little ear pain tonight too.  Not bad.  Just a very mild ache.


Just a coincidence?  Will see my doctor next week to look in my ear regardless....just freaking out a little now. 



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I've heard of other members having this. When I was 8 months out, I got a ton of ear pain and weird sensations. I think its a good sign of some healing going on, after it died down my tinnitus was much much better.
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Thanks for the response.  Ear problems seem to be common in w/d....thought it was mostly the ringing in the ears though, so thanks for sharing your experience.  Its so weird.  Feels like my ear is made of a plastic water bottle.
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I am having terrible ear problems, ear ache all the time, ringing and whirring sounds too, so weird and usually in one ear only but alternating. I was a bit dizzy this morning but that could be just getting up out of bed so normal LOL.


I am getting used to the ear problem and believe it is a sign of healing. All these physical aches or flu symptoms are healing so I am trying to embrace them and get on with it. As long as my s/ts are physical rather than mental torment, I can manage this w/d process. :thumbsup:


The ear sensations come and go during the day. Worse after a shower/wet hair etc.


Hope you feel better and I am not going to my doctor unless it gets really unmanageable. :tickedoff:

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Thanks Moya.  Yes, i too will look at this as healing.  Because come to think of it, everything on that side of my body is aching now.  Neck, ear, trapezius muscle, head.  My body just trying to get it right again. 


I will focus on the good side.  Haha.



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