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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Who has experienced withdraw symptoms in just one limb?


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It seems that most here who experience neuropathy and other physical symptoms from benzo WD get them in two legs, two arms, or most of the body.


Who has experienced withdraw symptoms in just one limb?


I didn't experience any symptoms until 6 months after starting a slow taper, so I'm not sure yet that they are Benzo related.


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I have. Most of the time it's the left side, numb arm, leg pain, etc. right now the pain is in my right leg. Sometimes symptoms change fast enough to make my head spin. Always get checked by a doc if you think you need to, but lots of people have had one sided symptoms.
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For some strange reason...it happens most of the time in the left side of the body. Almost everyone I have discussed this with reports the same thing. I get some things on both sides, but left is dominant by far.
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For me, right facial/eye/head pressure & pain with loss of hearing in left ear and numbness and tingling in left leg & arm. For me, klonopin taper was brutal, with increasing symptoms with taper with symptoms increasing the lower I got in the taper. X seems to be kinder ..... If that's even possible to say.....
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Wow u swtiched from a long acting benzo to the shortest half life benzo Xanax! Thats something i have never seen. Im happy its easier on u though so i guess it was the right move for you.
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Symptoms on just one side of the body are common in this forum.


For me, it was the left side - jaw and muscle pain on the left side.


I've read the following off the non-benzodiazepine.org.uk website:


(1) Question: Why do so many people get symptoms such as tingling, burning and numbness etc on the left side of the body rather than the right side of the body?


Answer: This is commonly reported. The exact reasons for this phenomenom is not known but it may be that GABA-BZD receptors are more dense in the right hemisphere of the brain or more sensitive to the affects of benzos than the left. non-benzodiazepine.org.uk -Benzodiazepine FAQ


Since the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body, this makes sense.

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