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Social Awkwardness


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Hi, I have been off 8 months now.  Been going to University full time for a year now.


Its like cog fog combined with W/D anxiety doesn't allow me to socialize properly especially in groups.  I wonder if this is the benzos or if its just me.


Do any of you act socially awkward where nobody seems to connect with you?

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Hi Miesco,


I KIND of know what I mean but maybe not. Sometimes I wonder if others can tell whether I am experiencing and that makes me feel awkward which may reflect outwardly. So I FEEL socially awkward and self-conscious but not sure  whether it is truly noticeable. One of my best friends said that he was not able to tell that I was less sharp over the years which I was suprised by as well.

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Were you like this pre benzo?? If the answer is no that it is all w/d. Everything your describing sounds like w/d to me, lots of member have this so your not alone.
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yes i have had this at the same time you are out and i still have it sometimes. it's really hard to "connect" with anyone. it's like, i don't feel heard with my family. i don't feel like there is a connect at all. and with other's, i just have a hard time following what they're saying. there's no connection for me -- with anyone or anywhere. it's very weird, surreal and derealization still plays a factor.
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I have shifted from massive extrovert to about a year long stage of introversion.  I have temporarily lost a lot of the will, confidence, and motivation to be as social as I used to be.  Sometimes it is cenetered around the fact that I simply don't feel that well and I don't want to have to pretend to be feeling well.  I get self conscious about this and it feels like it makes things awkward.


In any case, as I begin to feel better more often (finishing month 2 after finishing taper) my confident extroverted self and sense of humor is starting to come back. 


thank god.

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I have this too. I don't know how you do it being at a university and having coursework. It's all w/d. I certainly wasn't this way before benzo w/d. I can feel it in my head especially, and the desire to be around people is very low. Anxiety as well.
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I also have this.  It has eased over time but I still feel awkward in many social situations.  Like mentioned above, I believe some of it is not feeling well and some is how aware I am of the interactions.  My friends and wife assure me I dont act much different but I feel different.  That and the disconnect with 'normal' people makes it hard.  Thinking back, college is a tough social time anyway.  Sorry your going through this.  It is not you but the wd.  You will be better on the other side!



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