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I switched to name-brand Valium by Roche in hopes to ease Taper/WD. But how?????


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Roche stopped making Valium years ago.  So when the pharmacy said they could order the name brand in for me I was completely confused.  Would that not mean that what is left out there by Roche has lost its shelf life? If Roche stopped producing it years ago than how are there still the V-Cut Valiums. Does this mean I just spent A LOT of money getting my script filled with Valiums that have lost their shelf life? This doesn't make sense. I make my next cut today to 5.5 but I'd hate to be taking .5 out of a batch that lost its shelf life/potency along time ago.
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I tried going on the internet to find out when Roche stopped making the drug. But no matter how many addresses I typed in nothing came up ~~ only to say that Roche stopped making the drug. There is a list of drugs Roche makes, and I scrolled down and could not find Valium. I wish that gave me a date. If I were you I wouldn't take it ~~ just to be on the safe side. I looked at my bottle and it says that Mylan is my drug. Too bad, as Mylan has a bad rep. But it hasn't caused my any problems at all. I would try and trade in your Roche bottle for a generic bottle at your pharmacy. They shouldn't even have it in stock. Explain to them that you believed it no longer has a shelf life anymore and you want a different brand. ~~ Bets
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Valium is still being made. Roche was sold to Genentech and they now make them under the Roche name. I just spoke with their rep on the phone.


They have stopped making Klonopin since about June

I called to find out about the K. They told me they would be in production in October. She also told me they make Valium. It's brand.

I take brand K.


Your Valium is fine.

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Valium is still being made. Roche was sold to Genentech and they now make them under the Roche name. I just spoke with their rep on the phone.


They have stopped making Klonopin since about June

I called to find out about the K. They told me they would be in production in October. She also told me they make Valium. It's brand.

I take brand K.


Your Valium is fine.


Guess I didn't do my homework so well. But why do you go on the Roche web site and scroll down the list of drugs they make and valium is not there? But I just looked at the Genentech web site and it lists valium as one of their drugs. I don't know about their V scoring. But my pdoc showed me pictures of valium on his computer and the V scoring tab is there. He did this just two weeks ago.

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I just looked it up. Sorry, Roche bought

Genentech and they are making Valium.

I got some when I was going to cross, but never did.


It might not be on the list but I spoke to Genentech and they told me they make klonopin  and Valium.

Yes, it has the V because klonopin has the K.

I read online they were being audited and that's why they stopped the K.

She didn't sound too happy when I told her I put them in milk.

She said, "So you dissolve them in milk?" She told me I needed to speak with their safety dept. I said no.

They do dissolve.

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I just looked it up. Sorry, Roche bought

Genentech and they are making Valium.

I got some when I was going to cross, but never did.


It might not be on the list but I spoke to Genentech and they told me they make klonopin  and Valium.

Yes, it has the V because klonopin has the K.

I read online they were being audited and that's why they stopped the K.

She didn't sound too happy when I told her I put them in milk.

She said, "So you dissolve them in milk?" She told me I needed to speak with their safety dept. I said no.

They do dissolve.


Does a company that produces a benzo have a Safety Dept.?? How ironic. Can't wait to find out how the audit goes.

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