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2 months off...drinking again


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Its about 2 months off of klonopin now, ive started drinking to a small degree again but I notice its different now. I get hangovers after only 2 or 3 drinks and it seems like its tearing my stomache to pieces. Also ive noticed that I crave an alcoholic drink with some frequency now almost like its somewhere in the back of my mind similar to the way klonopin was. Does anyone happen to have any knowledge on drinking alcohol after getting off of benzos?
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Its about 2 months off of klonopin now, ive started drinking to a small degree again but I notice its different now. I get hangovers after only 2 or 3 drinks and it seems like its tearing my stomache to pieces. Also ive noticed that I crave an alcoholic drink with some frequency now almost like its somewhere in the back of my mind similar to the way klonopin was. Does anyone happen to have any knowledge on drinking alcohol after getting off of benzos?


Hi, not sure how much knowledge you have about Gabaa receptors, here is an explaination

how Benzos affect the brain.



Alcohol does bind on Gaba-b receptors, which explains you're craving for it.

i would try and avoid drinking till you have recovered. The brain needs time

to heal, 2 months off is a big achievement but still early.

hope this helped, take care. :)



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Its not good. They are cross tolerant benzos are like a beer in a bottle. So when you drink you'll want more because it causes temporary relief but acts and hits upon the same gaba receptors. And often causes setbacks flare up or rev of symptoms and can throw you into hell. You also will eventually be swapping the benzo addiction for alcohol addictition and this is all not good. Please abstain until at least much more healing so it won't be a crutch for addiction and you may be able to enjoy it better and control it in the future with better judgment and feelings.
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