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What does an adrenaline rush feel like?


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I've been getting rapid heartbeat, burning skin, shaking, weakness, feeling like I'm going crazy. This happens off and on all day and is a new sx for me. My heart pounds hard and fast when it happens.
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I would steer clear of Clonidine, although it's very helpful, w/d of it has caused anxiety in many people. Propranolol is great for physical anxiety; however, I found it actually ramped my mental anxiety up, probably due to its serotonin antagonist properties. Hope this helps.
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That sounds like an adrenaline rush.  Once in a while they start cycling like you describe to me.  I will take 5-10mg of propronal once or twice a day for a few days and it really helps. I had no adverse reactions.  It seems to break the cycle.  Good luck
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