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Anger attacks?


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Sometimes I get extremely pissed off for no reason. It hits me out of the blue like an anxiety attack. Everything is ramped up like tinnitus, burning skin, etc. I can't stand it and I become argumentative with people. Anyone else?
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I'm getting this quite a bit. For a long time I was very tired, lacked motivation, slept a lot. Now I have a lot of physical symptoms and anger that goes along with it. Must be the nerves starting to fire in weird ways.
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Thanks prufrock it's been pretty rough. Taken a big toll on me, my family and just everything. Glad to see you are doing do well in such little time.
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Me too, I pray that I don't get angry but it's something with the drug.  I'm a non-violent person but towards the end of the day sometimes I get upset.  Hope it goes away, quickly!
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I'll get angry sometimes like normal but I'm able to control it. The anger I've been having the past week is out of my control. It takes everything I have to control it and it scares the heck out of me.
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