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Anyone's Vision Colors Seem Off?


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I'm 11 months out... Nearly everything is gone except my eyes! Sometimes when I'm inside, everything seems darker in color. When I run on a treadmill, my vision gets darker & blurry. When I stare at something, my eyes start to get staticky and darker. Sometimes when going from outside to inside it takes my eyes quite a while to adjust making me feel dizzy.


I'm not having burning sensations like others have on here...


Can anyone else relate?


I was doing so well for month 10. Now this  :-\

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I was actually just researching this today. My 'color' is off as well. Everything is an odd tint of green. And my eyes don't quite get brightness yet. It's odd. Anyways, it's your glutamate receptors (glycine in particular) down-regulating/going back to normal. It will fix itself, don't worry.
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My vision is totally crazy.  Most of the time. When I'm in the den watching movies with my boys I have to close my eyes because everything is so bright and distorted. It really scares me.  I can't wait to be back to normal!
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