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Emotional Pain is Unbearable.


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I just can't get away from it. I cry. And cry. And cry. Thinking about the upcoming holidays makes me cry. I know I won't be normal by then. Thinking about childhood makes me cry. Seeing my parents makes me cry because I'm so sorry I put them through this. I just want to feel okay. The anxiety always passes, but the depression never leaves me. I don't know what to do. How do you keep holding on?
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How to keep going on?  I guess we just has to drag ourselves through each day and tell ourselves that tomorrow will be better.  Eventually, it does get better.  I've found that depression, anger and anxiety tend to feed on themselves.  What works for me to to break the chain somehow.  Laughter works the best for me, but it's often difficult for me to find humor when I'm in the midst of a negative emotional outburst.  When I was in acute withdrawal, I watched a lot of Saturday Night Live reruns.  Sometimes they made me laugh.  Some people get warm cuddly feelings looking at silly cat videos (not me).  I'm sure there's something out there that can help you find a positive feeling.  Just gotta go looking for it.


Don't be so sure that you won't be healed by the holidays.  That is a very negative mindset to adopt.  And don't feel so sad when you see your parents.  They love you unconditionally.  Your recovery will make their day.  That's going to be a positive experience for you and for them.  And it will come.  Hold onto that thought instead of the <I can't do it> mindset.  It will serve you better.


fwiw - I was in a really negative (mental) place about five days ago.  I completely shut down.  Then I received an email from an 8th grade girl asking for help on her science fair project.  Suddenly, ideas and possibilities started popping up on how I could help her do her project, and I slowly re-emerged into the land of the living.  You never know where the jump-start will come from - you just have to be open to possibilities.  They're definitely out there.  Seize them and get your life back.

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You can go on You Tube and type in Jody Whitely. She has done some very effective deep relaxation videos that have helped guide me out of depression. I was about to go to the hospital on Monday and Tuesday then I examined my diet and found junk food and caffeine and I looked at my attitude and found anger and rage and all that was hindering my recovery.


I went for long walks and started eating almonds, oranges, pumpkin seeds, and avocado (precursors to serotonin) and eliminated all junk food and all anger and fear. Today the depression has lifted and I am back to just regular fog and ringing in my head. I told my brother what I was going through and journeyed on how bright the future will be when I am well again.


A total commitment to self care and wellness lifted my depression completely. Lots of water and avoiding all sources of tension like TV news is also effective. Mediations and soft music and also making a long gratitude list and thinking of all you still have is a great tool.


No booze, no drugs, no debate. Relief is available if you do all that is possible to support healing and restoration to normal brain functions. I take a very high grade Omega 3 supplement and a maintenance dose of AD. Nothing else


Right now I just got back from a steam, sauna, and light swim. I feel relaxed and hopeful. I have no depression. I had to let go of control over the timeline to wellness. When anger approaches I abandon it for something real and good, divine, and true.



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