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Time Flies When You're In Hell


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Mine is going slower like really long days it used to feelbfast earlier in is this a good sign? They go even slower when in waves.we need some input folks. I'm at 8 months..how far out are you pug?
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Mine is going slower like really long days it used to feelbfast earlier in is this a good sign? They go even slower when in waves.we need some input folks. I'm at 8 months..how far out are you pug?


It's complicated lol. I took 3 wks of Ativan starting March 11th, 2014. Tapered off. Enter hell. Had alcohol a month later, woke up and couldn't stop vomiting for 5 days. Parents took me to the ER, Ativan for 3 more days. 2 Months later, had whey protein with a lot of glutamic acid, woke up the next day throwing up, crying, anxiety through the roof, so I took a few rescue doses. Then recently, at the beginning of October I had taken an L-Glutamine supplement (this one I can't get over, how could I be so stupid) and again ended up in the ER with 2mg Ativan IV'd into me. So I've been at this for 6 months in total, but only a month and a week since my last setback.  :-\

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I see. Maybe your kindling a bit.. Yourbstill gonna healbin the same amount of time..it may have made the headaches head pain more persistent. This whole process is bullshit.
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I see. Maybe your kindling a bit.. Yourbstill gonna healbin the same amount of time..it may have made the headaches head pain more persistent. This whole process is bullshit.


I agree. Actually now that I think about it, before my last setback, time was going slower...more normal I think. It's probably a sign of healing. When you're brain is constantly racing, it probably makes time go faster.

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I don't know where the time has gone. It's amazing to me that I don't have much to show for all the time I've been in w/d. I've been inside my head more than anything, and it takes a lot of energy for me to get through this.
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