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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

A concerned loved one


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I am a loved one of someone who is withdrawing from benzos. I am joining this site to learn as much as I can about benzo withdrawal and also to provide prospective on how it impacts not just the one withdrawing from benzos but how it impacts those who are closest to you.


I hope that I can help be a resource especially to those who may not understand why their family and friends may act certain ways. We all know that benzo withdrawal puts a huge stress on relationships but I believe with enough patience and understanding from all parties... relationships can survive, heal and thrive.


With love to all those affected by this. Benzo withdrawal is a true tragedy and I admire all of you who fight through it.



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Hello fighter8886,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


It's great that you joined to learn more to support your loved one and also to give a perspective from a family/friend point of view.  I wish your loved one a successful withdrawal and hope they heal up quickly.


Here are some links to get you started on the board:



The Ashton Manual is an invaluable resource. Professor Ashton is an expert on benzo withdrawal.


We have a blog dedicated to family members and partners.   This would be a great place to go and introduce yourself and gain support.  Family Members & Partners Support Thread


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!



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Hi Fighter.  It's admirable that you are trying to learn to better support your loved one.  I for one try my best to keep things to myself but I'll be honest.  I'm so f'ing miserable that I'm pretty much closed off as to how the outside sees me.  Kind of like survival mode. 


I will tell you that I've slowly let more of my family know what was going on with me and they seem to really appreciate my efforts in controlling things without dragging them down.  Note:  I did say efforts.  Really.  We're doing the best we can.


Anyways, glad you came here.  :)

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