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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

im just gonna quit cold turkey from now...


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thats it guys... im not gonna take any more from now..


i think i can do this... my mother and gf r encouraging me..


this is not the first time i go through withdrawal..ive been on tramadol for 4 years 1000 mg a day..and i quit cold turkey..i had withdrawal symptoms for 5 days to a week only..


i can do this..i know benzo is different.. i can do this..


but need your support..i really do..


pray for me..


shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit i dont believe im gonna do this...im just so tired of this..tapering and waiting..



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i will keep you informed..


well, it has been 15 hours since my last 2mg dose of ativan...


had a strong migraine or headache ( cant tell the difference ) it was intense for an hour..i took advil and its ok now..


so far so good... will see :)

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Day 1..


Burning sensations in chest area and stomach..

Difficulty breathing..

Jelly legs..

Very cold..

Balance and coordination problems..



Need to talk to anyone that has been through this plz 😊

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Everybody's symptoms are a bit different, but many of yours applied to me.  I had a lot of dizziness and balance/coordination issues.  I didn't dare drive a car (although I continued to ride my bike - somewhat unsteadily).  I also had breathing issues (felt like I had to force myself to breath).  I felt pretty weak all over (including my legs).  I don't recall feeling cold or having the burning sensation, but I'm sure others have felt like that.


This withdrawal may test you a bit.  Try to live as normal a life as you can.  Eat healthy, get some exercise as you are able, and get some rest.  In some respects it's like a bad hangover that just keeps going and going and going.  But eventually, it will begin to get better. 

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Hi sameo


C/T is very hard I know I did it. It hurts allot but I am now 100% healed and live a very fullfilled healthy happy life. Im back to working a full time job and working out 5 days a week. You can do this. If it gets to hard pls reconcider resuming a wise tapper.


Best of luck



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I'm going through C/T right now. 1 month into it. I've been using homeopathic aids to ease symptoms.


My steadies are peptobismal tablet about every 2-3 hours for abdomen bloating, pain, stomach upset and diarrhea.  I found keeping my stomach quiet and happy helps a lot of other ailments like shoulder and neck stiffness as well. I also take a Mucinex to keep my chest loose. An Aleve once a day.  Dress in layers for hot/cold comfort.


Stay away from any kind of decongestant (bad dehydration), add apples and bananas to my diet.  Loose fitting clothing so as not to get more on edge than I already am.  Lots of water to keep the flushing out moving.


Move slower and focus more on your moments. Seems to help with poor coordination and dizziness problems.

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hey guys..thnx alot for the replies..


i had a strong anxiety attack while i was in hot water..everything turned black..but got better..


im pretty shaky at the moment and im feeling every little thing in my body..


it tingles ALOT as im typing..my fingers feel like jelly..my whole body feels like jelly..


my neck is ....... i dont know how to explain it.. its shaky and twitching.. but not THAT OF A TWITCH..


the balance? well...its not comfortable at all.. i can barely walk to the bathroom..its all physical symptoms so far..

hope it stays this way till it heals..IM REALLY HOPING FOR THAT NOW..


im making myself strong..having lots of anxiety.. but something in me is able to control it..


and i forgot to tell u about my vision.. its ( a little bit ) weird..


i would really appreciate ur comments and support guys..


and btw..i dont wanna take a single smallest dust of powder of this.. i made my mind and i will fight it..


i just wanna be assured that what i mentioned is normal..as im scared  :)

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I remember my left eye twitched a lot the first week or two (or three) after I jumped.  That distorted my vision.  Others have reported other vision distortions - even hallucinations.
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Going CT can be dangerous, but I respect your decision to do it. Each person has to find their own way...there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Yes, you may feel awful for a while. You may feel REALLY awful. Cannot predict this. I hope you are one of the lucky ones, and its over quickly. Be prepared, however, that it may not.

Here are my suggestions to you....and I am not a doctor, these my my opinions only:

1. Start reading about what is happening to you, why we have symptoms. Parker wrote a good article about this; its under the Withdrawal Section (forgive me for not giving you the link...Im having trouble doing links right now-)

2. Start distracting yourself.....do this all the time!

3. Deep slow breathing using the abdomen helps anxiety greatly

4. Eat healthy but don't obsess about diet. Drink normal amounts fluids.

5. You may have sweats - dress in cool clothing and have a change of clothing handy. Same with your sheets.

6. For pain, many people use Tylenol or ibuprofen in the doses listed on the labels. Again, I am not a physician.

7. If stomach is bothering you, use Tums, Pepcid or some other over the counter remedy.

8. Avoid most supplements. Some interfere with the gaba receptor's healing.

9. Avoid decongestants ( they raise your blood pressure)

10. Rest, but don't allow yourself to just stay in bed. Get up as much as you can and stay as busy as you can....distract yourself!

11. For muscle cramps a heating pad might help, or maybe an ice pack. 

12. Showering or taking a bath is comforting, cooling and calming.

13. Start a journal or a Blog...keep track of your progress

14. Start reading Success Stories


Good luck...we will be rooting for you! let us know how you are doing.



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thanks alot guys..


and east... i really appreciate what you wrote .. really..thank u..


im not having pain to be honest.. but lots of symptoms.. mostly the shakes,twitches,dizziness and balance issues r scaring me..


but i know i will get better..

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Try not to let the symptoms scare you.  The added anxiety does not help, and has sent many a person to the ER for nothing.  The symptoms you are experiencing are normal for benzo withdrawal. 
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Stopping cold turkey can bring on some horrific symptoms both mentally and physically. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It can cause severe and prolonged symptoms.  Ativan is a very potent benzodiazepine.  It is 10 times stronger than valium so your 2 mg dose is actually a pretty large dose to withdraw from, particularly cold turkey. I think your symptoms 15 hours in are only the beginning of some really tough symptoms.  I wish you the very best.
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