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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Has anyone ever developed a movement disorder from benzo wd


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I am worried that I have developed a movement disorder. I can't stop my face and hands and body from moving but they are involuntary movements. Like ticks that I feel compulsed to do. My whole body feels like it is doing its own involuntary action.


I keep having to compulsively move my face or head or arm or fingers. It isn't just twitching or spasms but an involuntary movement like my body is out of control.


This goes away at night.


What is this?

It is scaring the heck out of me.


I never had this before a few weeks ago.


I take Valium and a very small dose of remeron.


Have been on other ssris in the past but never any anti psychotics.


Is this tar dive dyskinesia?


Is this at all normal for wd?


This is scaring the heck out of me

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I have exactly the same thing, tapering from xanax and since my last cut my right leg specifically is either shaking by itself or I feel compelled to move it myself, thing its all the nervous energy in my body  >:(
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This sounds like "normal" benzo withdrawal. Twitching, jerking and involuntary movements are quite common. If you have a feeling of not being able to sit or stand still, its called "akasthesia." If its withdrawal, its temporary and will go away.

Even though I am an RN in my personal life, I admit I know little about Lyme Disease. I will have to check and see if twitches and jerks are a part of that.



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I did a quick look up on Lyme, and twitching isn't unknown. I think this is something you should talk to your doctor about, before assuming its withdrawal. Make sense to you?



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So it's actually normal to reel this horrible restless compulsion to move an arm or leg or grimace in the face or move lips


I just watched a video of tar dive dyskinesia and it is a lot like that but not quite as bad.


It seems to come and go.


How do I know this is just wd?


It is scaring the heck out of me. I guess it is like restless leg ( don't have this but my husband does and he can't stop moving his legs at night) but is theu my entire body.


I feel like I am losing control of my body and it is just doing its own thing  and I get these horrible sensations to move parts of my body.


Is this at all normal for wd?


It feels horrible and is very uncomfortable and I worry it is permenant.


Have never heard of anyone with Lyme having this.


I worry it is the ssris I was on for years causing this and that it is permenant.


And it's not really twitching or shaking but a compulsion type feeling to do things like repeatedly open and close my hand, move my arm, move my face.

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Ruby, maybe I wasn't clear on this. Its NOT tardive dyskinesia IF its from benzo withdrawal. Involuntary movements (twitches, jerks, etc.) can be a common symptom in benzo withdrawal. What I meant is that after a very quick review of Lyme, apparently Lyme can cause this too, So, in YOUR case, you need to see your doctor and see what he or she thinks. We cannot diagnose you.


Tardive dyskenisia is a syndrome that can develop after a person takes certain psychiatric meds...and that does NOT include benzos.



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I also had the same problems on my left hand primarily my left thumb. I also took Remeron during my taper. I doubt the mix has anything to do with it. I have been off Benzos for a while but continue to have this twitching on my left thumb. Today I just ingonre it but I was freaking out during my taper. Not to worry.
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I had something similar happen to my left index finger.  It took on a mind of it's own.  It would twitch and turn and do all sorts of nonsense.  I was sure I was developing parkinsons.


Just like that it went away.    I dunno, but I thought the worst, of course...

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Did you guys feel compelled to have to move these areas of the body. Like I have this overwhelming need to move a limb or grimace my face more like a tick.


This feels like an urge to move.


I am so scared. It isn't like I just sit there and it moves. I feel like I need to perform the movement.


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TD can and often develops from years of ssri use. but the movements are involuntary. (darting of the tongue, pursing of the lips). but from what you're describing, it sounds like you yourself are causing the movements. a compulsion. i'm sure it's just withdrawal.
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But benzo wd can also cause these involuntary movements?


Never had this before wd.


Was on ssris for like 10 years but have only been on small doses infrequently for about 3 years.


This only started like 4 weeks ago.

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Since this sensation goes away at night does that mean it's not permenant.

Meaning if it comes and goes then it isn't permenant?


Also can any benzos cause tardiness dyskinesia ?

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I just saw my dr a few weeks ago and the Lyme seemed to be under control.


I never had this before with Lyme. It has only started recently with the taper and wd.

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