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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hi all - cold turkey on Xanax - day 6


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Hi all. I've been forced into dealing with my addiction due to overseas post delays. I have been taking approx 2-4 tablets per day for approx 2 years. I went through this around ten years ago and never realised how tough it was.
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Hello Gwynedd67,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!


Are you forced into a cold turkey because you are out of Xanax? 


Going cold turkey is not recommended and can bring about some serious withdrawal effects. How are you feeling now?  In addition, your dosage of Xanax is quite high depending on the mg of the tablet. Is there any way you can obtain some more and do a proper taper?


Generally a slow taper can help to minimize withdrawal effects, we recommend reducing by 5-10% every 10-14 days.  I would suggest you read the Ashton Manual, an excellent resource about benzos and gives information on how to withdraw.  It was written by an expert in the field.


I'll give you a link to the manual as well as a link to the Cold Turkey, Rapid Detox board. 


Yes, this can be a challenging process and more difficult sometimes with subsequent withdrawals, that is why a slow taper is suggested.


Let us know how we can help, that's what we're here for.


The Ashton Manual


Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal 




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Hi Gwyn,

Cold turkey (c/t) is the wrong way to get off Xanax. i would find a Doctor

and start a sensible taper. this is serious buisness and the symptoms (sxs)

you are experiencing now most likely will get worse.


How do Benzos affect the brain ? here is the explaination.



Glad you have joined us and good luck on whatever you decide,

pushing through or finding a Doctor.

Claudia. :)


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