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cognitive recovery support group


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Dear BBs,

      There many of us if not most for whom cognitive recovery is the most painful and troublesome aspect of healing from benzos. For myself and many others cognitive recovery is the only hope of survival going forward. While there are success stories that talk about regaining intellectual/learning abilities it's still hard to find hard evidence of members fully returning to demanding professional lives. My and another member's hope is that we'll see active discussion from others who've seen complete or at least substantial healing and hopefully returned to their occupations that require abstract thinking, complex decision making, and ongoing learning. The timeline of cognitive recovery and extent to which it happens are most important and burning questions that need to be answered, discussed, highlighted. Please contribute to give us hope to go through this horrific ordeal.

Thank you,


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How much time before buddies had cognition return, at least to render them functional?  I am having tremendous issues with focus/concentration, memory, executive functioning, and visuo-spatial abilities (in rough order of severity). Any positive stories from others that this too has passed?
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