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Helpful overview of the brain with an anxiety disorder


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If I had the money I'd schedule an appointment at this clinic in a heartbeat. I love their breakdown of what is physically happening in the brain of someone who has GAD, panic attacks, OCD, etc... Their research seems to focus on what's chemically happening in the brain. This is a relief to me because I'm tired of always being told to "just stop worrying" or "just relax." And contrary to my primary care doctor's belief, it's not all about serotonin deficiency. An anti-depressant isn't going to solve all of my problems (I've tried, they've always made things worse for me).


If I were to guess, I wouldn't be surprised if I have an excess of histamine in my brain and body. I sometimes have the classic "red flush" across my lower neck and chest. I also wonder if I have a glutamate excess. Just wanted to share these articles.





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Thank you Courtney,

Much food for thought there. I have just been led to thinking that histamines ae a real issue with me! I've printed out a list of histamine-containing foods to avoid, now I need to study it and avoid enough of those foods to see if I feel some relief!!


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