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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Very disturbing how many people take benzos.


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The more I look around the more I see just how many people are on benzos. It seems like everyone is taking them, or has at some point in time.


On random forums and message boards people joke about popping xanax and klonopin all the time. In movies and tv shows I see the same thing.


Just today this article is on the front page of reddit.com: 

All those people in the comments on benzos and don't even know what damage is being done to them.


Sometime I really do think the doctors ignoring withdrawal really is because of drug companies shushing them. Most of the population pops these pills it seems, it is a huge money industry.


Very disturbing.

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This is really concerning, but there are some more questions I'd like answered. How long had these people been off benzos at the time of the study? How many were currently on benzos? Were any of them in tolerance at the time of the study? If they had gotten off the benzo drugs, were they still in w/d? Since these drugs cause a lot of forgetfulness, lack of motivation, etc., anyway, was that factored into the study?


I think a lot of doctors still don't understand that older people shouldn't be given these types of drugs at all, and their reasons for prescribing them in the first place are questionable.


Any way you look at it, benzo drugs are very, very misunderstood. There are many questions left unanswered. The news keeps trickling in about these drugs, but what will finally tip the scales so that some major long-term studies take place?

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Honestly, I sort of skew the other way on this -- I think the absolutely overwhelming number of people who do take benzos and don't develop the sorts of problems we see on here, is evidence that the drugs are less damaging to the average person than they are to people like me who became severely dependent on them.


There are probably genetic factors which are not especially well understood now; it's reasonable to think that 20 or 30 years down the line, they will be able to do a simple genetic test to see how risky a certain drug is for a certain person, and make prescribing guidelines as a result.


I know a lot of people who have had benzo prescriptions at some point in their lives, and the overwhelming majority of these people seemed to benefit from it. I know a shorter list of people who have taken benzos on a daily basis for an extended period. As you'd expect, this second group has worse outcomes overall... but it's not black and white. I know a few people who I'd say have continued to benefit from the drugs even over an extended period.


As far as these things go, I think alcohol is a more physiologically problematic chemical than benzos are, but again, most people seem to be able to use it reasonably in a way that doesn't cause them harm. (Benzo dependence is definitely more severe than alcohol dependence, but alcohol ravages every system in the body; benzos are quite safe from a LD50 point of view).

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Hi folks


A very complex topic.


Just how do you work out the costs of the damage done by alcohol, benzos, illegal drugs etc..


I took benzos for 40 years & now believe it caused my lifelong depression.


Costs to society

In patient, outpatient psychiatric treatment 40 years

ADs 40 years

Costs of welfare benefits when too sick to work


Personal costs

Loss of earnings due to unemployment & underachievement over 40 years


Costs to employer

Suboptimal performance + high sick leave


I would not like to hazard a guess as to which is the more costly- alcohol or benzos.


If benzos increase the risk of Alzheimer's the costs of benzos will increase dramatically.


The BMJ study is a credible piece of evidence.




I have commented here









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My father took diazepam (still taking it) for more than 45 years.

He will be 80 next year. However is not every day. Right now he is taking in average two pills of 10 mg per week.

I am worried about it but I cannot and would not suggest him to come off it.

He seems cautious enough in not taking more.

Last Christmas he got a bad flu and together with it some panicked attacks because he was suffocating during the night. My mother was pushing him to take a diazepam and he said no. He said it will increase the risk of suffocating because of the muscle relaxant properties.

At least he is not dumbed by it.

Now, with the trained eye of benzo sufferer bystander I can see that maybe because my father used the benzo caine all his life he does not deal with anxiety as a normal person.

I keep my fingers crossed thinking he is one of the lucky ones.

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Honestly, I sort of skew the other way on this -- I think the absolutely overwhelming number of people who do take benzos and don't develop the sorts of problems we see on here, is evidence that the drugs are less damaging to the average person than they are to people like me who became severely dependent on them.


I agree. There are tons of people on these drugs and if the majority of people had the kind of issues we have coming off these drugs the problem wouldn't be able to be ignored like it is.



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Thank you, LF, for this study! It'll be interesting to see if there are any changes in the U.S. down the line because of this. I'm not holding my breath, but it's indeed food for thought and ought to be taken seriously by doctors here.
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Hi Terry


I am so pleased when such publicity happens.


Prestigious journal, news internationally, Alzheimer's is so worrying for everyone that people in general and people in power will take note.


This is what we want. Public and political attention on the bad news of benzos. Alzheimer's is a worry for most older folk.


The more research the better.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps the greatest illusion benzos create. ''They actually help a person''.


A person could be forgiven for relaying incorrect information from one person to another on the assumption that 'the benzos are helping them'.


When in fact the opposite is true. Only sadly they just don't see it yet.


In the very short term, sure benzos may help some people, very initially, though things will eventually end up in disaster. What about those guys that have seizures I hear you say, again in the very short term, they may help.


These pills do not help anyone if you really look deep into this subject. They are going against mankind and everything it stands for.





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Doctors wrote nearly 50 million prescriptions for Xanax in 2013 :( :( :( :(


Wow and thats just Xanax!!! That just makes me sick. Im always so sad when i see my Pdoc and there are kids there....cuz i know she is rxing benzos to them. Poor kids. It breaks my heart every time but what can i say to the parents or even the younger adults.

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Doctors wrote nearly 50 million prescriptions for Xanax in 2013 :( :( :( :(


Wow and thats just Xanax!!! That just makes me sick. Im always so sad when i see my Pdoc and there are kids there....cuz i know she is rxing benzos to them. Poor kids. It breaks my heart every time but what can i say to the parents or even the younger adults.


When I watch the news and see some person "GONE OFF THE RAILS" doing crazy stuff I always wonder now if it's the benzo's making people sick.

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Hi folks


I was on nitrazepam for 40 years for myoclonic epilepsy and it was successfully controlled. I don't know if there is an alternative drug that would control it. Sadly, I also suffered depression for 40 years also because of nitrazepam. I am very sensitive to drugs. Many people are probably less sensitive to drugs. I wish my life had been different but there it is. I am no longer depressed but just physically ill.  Hopefully I will get better.


We are suffering terribly because of benzos but not everyone does. I agree that far too many benzos are prescribed and it is a scandal.




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In the very short term, sure benzos may help some people, very initially, though things will eventually end up in disaster. What about those guys that have seizures I hear you say, again in the very short term, they may help.


These pills do not help anyone if you really look deep into this subject. They are going against mankind and everything it stands for.


I just don't think it's reasonable to extrapolate that this is true for everyone, just because it's true for us here as people who had difficulties with benzos. I know at least one or two people closely who definitely appear to have benefitted from benzos, even over the long term. They also have more severe underlaying problems than the average benzo user does... but "end in disaster" is a risk, not a tautology. I've even known people who used potent benzos daily for a significant period of time, and then stopped abruptly with no significant withdrawal, and did fine over the months/years afterwards. Genetics, environment, luck.


edit: and to be completely clear, I definitely think that long term benzo use is hazardous and can lead to really bad things in a large number of cases... I just don't think there's anything black-and-white about any of this.

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In the very short term, sure benzos may help some people, very initially, though things will eventually end up in disaster. What about those guys that have seizures I hear you say, again in the very short term, they may help.


These pills do not help anyone if you really look deep into this subject. They are going against mankind and everything it stands for.


I just don't think it's reasonable to extrapolate that this is true for everyone, just because it's true for us here as people who had difficulties with benzos. I know at least one or two people closely who definitely appear to have benefitted from benzos, even over the long term. They also have more severe underlaying problems than the average benzo user does... but "end in disaster" is a risk, not a tautology. I've even known people who used potent benzos daily for a significant period of time, and then stopped abruptly with no significant withdrawal, and did fine over the months/years afterwards. Genetics, environment, luck.


edit: and to be completely clear, I definitely think that long term benzo use is hazardous and can lead to really bad things in a large number of cases... I just don't think there's anything black-and-white about any of this.


I will politely agree to disagree.


The only people that should be taking benzos are murderers, rapists, psychopaths etc. Then they could take them as a punishment I guess or to keep them from reoffending, possibly. They thing is, no one should even get to the stage where they think they need to take X amount of benzos in order to stay sane. If you really think about this subject deeply, there should not be one single person in this world, apart from the above types that should ever have to take a single benzo in their lives. You really do need to think outside the box with this one but these pills are never going to help anyone.


A difference of opinion is good, it is what keeps us alive and thriving and most importantly, human. My opinion will never be changed I'm afraid. Sorry, you are entitled to yours and I respect it.



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In the very short term, sure benzos may help some people, very initially, though things will eventually end up in disaster. What about those guys that have seizures I hear you say, again in the very short term, they may help.


These pills do not help anyone if you really look deep into this subject. They are going against mankind and everything it stands for.


I just don't think it's reasonable to extrapolate that this is true for everyone, just because it's true for us here as people who had difficulties with benzos. I know at least one or two people closely who definitely appear to have benefitted from benzos, even over the long term. They also have more severe underlaying problems than the average benzo user does... but "end in disaster" is a risk, not a tautology. I've even known people who used potent benzos daily for a significant period of time, and then stopped abruptly with no significant withdrawal, and did fine over the months/years afterwards. Genetics, environment, luck.


edit: and to be completely clear, I definitely think that long term benzo use is hazardous and can lead to really bad things in a large number of cases... I just don't think there's anything black-and-white about any of this.


I will politely agree to disagree.


The only people that should be taking benzos are murderers, rapists, psychopaths etc. Then they could take them as a punishment I guess or to keep them from reoffending, possibly. They thing is, no one should even get to the stage where they think they need to take X amount of benzos in order to stay sane. If you really think about this subject deeply, there should not be one single person in this world, apart from the above types that should ever have to take a single benzo in their lives. You really do need to think outside the box with this one but these pills are never going to help anyone.


A difference of opinion is good, it is what keeps us alive and thriving and most importantly, human. My opinion will never be changed I'm afraid. Sorry, you are entitled to yours and I respect it.




What do you propose for existing dependent users of benzos?



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In an ideal world everyone would be free of the poison. Sadly that won't happen but progress is being made, I would like help as many people as possible to get off benzos. If just telling my story does that then I will be happy.


We all deserve our life back and you will get yours back.


I should of worded things a bit better, sorry if I caused you any unwanted stress. My opinion will never be budged on this one. We are not to blame here, we are victims of a greed fueled and broken system.


No one should have to suffer the travesty that is benzo hell.

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Hi bring it on


I agree that we are not to blame and that no one should have to suffer like this.


I think the problem is bigger than just benzos. We have become so dependent on popping pills, that a huge culture change is needed. Adverse reactions to prescription drugs is one of the leading causes of death in the US, I believe.


I do believe that Governments should play a role in protecting its citizens. I have become quite despondent about the way things seem to be in the US from comments made here. As long as big business is allowed to reign supreme the outlook is rather bleak. Not just pharma companies.  The ugly face of capitalism and all that.


Gosh, I'd better not say any more. We are all depressed enough as it is. I am in a miserable mood about the state of our world.  :'( :'( :'(


Best just to concentrate on getting better , I guess.


Leave the state of the world to another day.  >:(




LF  :smitten:





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