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endoscopy while still tapering


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Hi all, I am at 2.7mg valium and have such bad gastritis and unable to gain weight, so doc wants to do endoscopy. I have had them before, no big deal, but that was with versid and fentenyl, which I know I can handle. I don't want any benzos because I am near the end and don't want to instigate any more withdrawal problems. Gatro wants to use demerol and benadryl. Has anyone any experience with this and has anyone had versid for a procedure when they were tapering without bad effects?


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Do you mean Versid or Versed? Versed is a benzo. Never heard of Versid. Demerol is an old opiate-like drug. And Benadryl is a safe OTC drug. You'll be fine with both of them. Just don't take a ton of Demerol....It's addictive.
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An update. No it is not a painful procedure, it is the gagging and parasympathetic stimulation that is the issue.

I had the procedure done yesterday, they explained to me that they were going to use just a very small dose of benedryl and demerol, and that many countries all over the world do the procedure without sedation, it would not be painful and they would talk me through the whole thing. It went great, I was totally conscious and they gave me a lidocane gargle first, had me swallow hard when the scope was going past the glottis and then again going through the LES, no pain. No problem breathing, pressure and a little discomfort in stomach and duodenm. The main thing is to remember that you can breath just fine, your body tends to want to hold its breath when there is something in your esophagus, but you just consciously breath and it is fine. I think I could do it with just the lidocane in the future as the demerol and benedryl didn't do much at that dose except make me drowsy and dizzy.

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