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Travel Anxiety & GAD


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I’ve had GAD for many years and completely under control off medication.  About 6 weeks ago I had a massive relapse and started pristiq which previously worked howerer

This time has not so have recently switched to Lexapro. 

During this time I have only taken a small amount of benzo’s.  3 x 5mg Valium and 1 x .5 xanax over about the last 14 days.  I have always been extremely cautious using these drugs and use them only very occasionally. 

I am travelling in the next two weeks and have no choice but to take valium to help me which is what is causing me concern.  Without the travel i just tend to work through my problems rather than reach for a benzo (if anything i'm usually to scared to take them for risk of addiction)

What I’m wondering is will another couple of weeks of sporadic use cause me any problems once I return and completely stop.  The sporadic use may be a little more than above but again i will only use if i HAVE to. 

I suppose what am after are some real world responses.  I often wonder when reading peoples stories of short term sporadic use how much is just their usual anxiety coming back after use Or is it really W/D problems. 

Any advice would be great. 


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I'm diagnosed PTSD, not GAD, but there are many similarities.  I just did two weeks in China.  I had some anxiety going into the trip, but my usual medication (cannabis) wasn't going to work there.  I actually went off it about 10 days before the trip to get over any withdrawal symptoms that the weed might have caused.  I had planned to bring some gabapentin on the trip just in case I needed something to calm me down.  I had the blessing of my therapist, and still had an active prescription.  In the end, I didn't take any along, and while I had some low level anxiety during parts the trip, and one rather intense day, I was able to get by and really enjoy the trip.


It came down to trusting my situation - something that has historically been pretty difficult for me.  I had to trust my drivers (I'm normally the worst kind of back-seat driver), and rely on the help/kindness of many strangers (I normally never ask for help from anybody).  Despite some concerns, it all worked out just fine. 


I understand you wanting a safety net when you travel.  And I appreciate your concern for doing benzos.  They often work really well - perhaps too well - and can lull us into a false sense of security.  I guess I'd like to invite you to consider trying the trip without the safety net.  You may have some anxiety, but you may find out that the additional anxiety caused by the trip is manageable with the coping techniques that you apply at home.  If I'd had access to my (former) safety net, I'm sure I would have gladly taken it throughout the trip and been comfortably numb throughout.  Instead, I was much more aware/awake/alive, and I'm now encouraged to take on more new/different things as a result.

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I suppose my biggest problem is its not situational although easier at home but fear or anxiety. It'd almost a phobia of anxiety. As mentioned I usually have good coping skills however sometimes gets on top of me and when it does its debilitating. I would not be able to board a plane when it's at it worst. So the safety net is really only for those situations. I would never take one unless it's absolutely necessary. Due to this flaring up recently my coping skills aren't 100% up to scratch for the intensity I have been experiencing.
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I used to be like that when I flew anywhere  but now since they serve nuts and I am allergic to them I must take a benadryl sometimes 2 over the counter ones to fly  - and I just nod right off.  So my suggestion is if it is just the plane ride for you instead of taking a benzo take some benadryl and it will just make you sleepy and helps with the anxiety as well. 
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