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Safe preop antibiotics?


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I know quinilones are a no no; which are safe during wd? I'd love to be able to give a list of what I can have, rather thsn just saying don't flox me!  :-[


Thanks, JS.

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In my opinion, antibiotics are safe EXCEPT for the quinolones. I simply tell my doctors I am allergic to one of them (Levaquin) and they cannot give me any of the others if I say that. I WAS floxed, while still on a benzo. Two or three times, I took Levaquin and was thrown into severe withdrawal. But I didn't know that was what it was, and no one else did either. I assumed I was having a panic attack! I was, but it was because I was in sudden, acute withdrawal, and once I was given a dose of my dear old Klonapin, I felt a lot better.

You may hear horror stories about all antibiotics. Try to remember that any drug can cause weird reactions in a few people, even aspirin or vitamins. Most antibiotics are safe for the majority of people.



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