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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Alcohol inducing wave of increased anxiety and DP


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I don't need blanket statements about how it's bad for me during wihdrawal I know that it is and I made a mistake. A few nights ago I got legitametly drunk for the first time in my 5.5 months of withdrawal. Felt amazing during. Next day was a hangover. But in the few days since then I've developed worsening DP, detachment, and anxiety.  Just wanted to hear from people who can empathize with that experience because my DP was FINALLY improving before this
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I'm going to wait until I'm symptom free or so close to being symptom free that I could take a little set back before I drink booze again. If you decide to drink it's best to have one beer and see how you feel the next day and maybe work up to 3-4 beers but never ever get wasted whilst you're in benzo withdrawal - I did it early on and it was horrific!
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Yeah, the negative effects will go away-it just takes longer than before the withdrawal. So far in withdrawal, I've gathered the following about drinking alcohol: a) some people say it will actually prevent or slow a recovery when they have no idea what can or can't prevent anything (the important thing is to stay away from pills) b) the first few (3-4) months, very little-to-no alcohol would be best c) after acute withdrawal is over, alcohol is okay, but it's best to not get "drunk" because the hangover can cause anxiety, depression etc. for a couple of days d) use BB for what it's worth, support and comfort
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No lectures from me. I made the same mistake (several times, to be honest-) and it wont happen again. Bad enough that Im already kindled....why add to it?!

Dr Ashton has said that one or two drinks wont effect us when we're going through this. Unfortunately, Im the type of person that thinks "if ONE is good, four will be better." Not so! I found that all my symptoms got worse after I tried drinking again.



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Alcohol didn't seem to affect me negatively until I was about 2 years off and then it completely turned on me to the point where just one beer would make me sick for 2-3 days. Not worth it when your good days are so precious so I haven't had a drink in a year and a half.
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I really can't wait to drink again, not that I'm going to push it, I'll drink when I feel ready but I soooooo can't wait to sip a Jack Daniel's :) We all need little things to look forward to to keep us going.
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