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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo taper finished this week. I feel great!


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    I finished my Clonazepam taper 4 days ago.  I have taken a benzo three times a day, EVERY day, for the past 17 years of my life.  I was originally diagnosed with Panic Disorder and was put on Xanex and then Klonapin.  I was a slave to these medications for most of my adult life up until until 2 and 1/2 years ago when I began my very slow and gradual taper.  I learned about the taper process from this website and I am so glad I did as my doctor never mentioned ever getting of the medication.  I was told "I just may need it".  Well, it turns out I do not.  And neither do most of you.  I just want everybody to realize that withdrawal is hard and everybody experiences different side effects that can last for most of the process.  But YES YOU CAN do this if I did this.  Please be strong and trust in yourself!


    I wanted to give some advice to some other people who are currently were I was before I began tapering.  First of all TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!  I know everybody says this, but I put my taper on hold for months at a time because my body just wasn't ready to reduce again or I had a life event that required me at 100%  I even took one step back one time because I was going too fast.  You have to listen to your body first of all and not the progression schedule.  If you don't feel "normal" again after 2-3 weeks, Don't taper again until you do! The symptoms compound themselves with additional tapers.  Next, if you never had any therapy, go see a cognitive behavioral therapist for some thought restructuring.  If you are naturally overly anxious about your body/mind/withdrawal symptoms as many of us are, this will be test of your ability not to dwell on it and create additional irrational anxiety for yourself.  If you have not addressed your anxiety problems first, you will have a hard time dealing with the whole process.  Talking to someone never hurt anybody.  Next,  get off the recreational drugs/caffeine/ alcohol abuse.  I had to limit my coffee,  stop drinking regularly, and no other recreational drugs.  They upset your equilibrium, and that is the core of the problem.  We just want to feel normal again.  Also, you must exercise and get your body healthy as your mind will follow.  Don't spend too much time reading about everyone else's horror stories on here as they are not in your situation.  You do not want to create more anxiety for yourself.  Constant reading about other peoples problems just gives your irrational fears ammunition to make you feel worse again. 


    You will have setbacks and it is OK.  My worst cut was from .12 to .06 right at the end.  I had pretty serious muscle cramps in my legs, night sweats, muscle twitches, and they weren't going away.  I am an athlete and it lead to an injury.  I had to stop my taper for two months to go to in international tournament.  After returning, I got rid of the last .06 mg/day and it actually wasn't that bad.  I have been surprised at how well I have been feeling.  I think I have been through most of the symptoms at this point because I TOOK MY TIME.  1.5 mg/day to 0 in 2.5 years.  Yes, I have been coping with some unpleasant side effects still, but that's life and I am so happy that I did this.  I have no idea how I kept taking this medication for 17 years! 


I just wanted to inspire people who are facing this process.  It isn't as bad as you might be lead to think by all of the negative stories you read.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about how I got off these drugs.  I would be happy to help anybody dealing with this problem.  My heart goes out to you, it is not an easy road, but nothing worthwhile in life is!


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Hi Jesmeister  :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Congrats on being benzodiazepine free. You should be really proud of yourself. You should share your story on our success story board. Not everyone reads introductions and I think your story would be inspirational to others.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms,.


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Members discuss their symptoms on the Post withdrawal recovery support.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:




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Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring post! Its these posts that help me understand that I will get through this process.


Congrats on getting your life back



Best wishes

Bren :smitten:

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