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Second Day, No Clonazepam


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I got down to .034mg Clonazepam and after reading a lot of posts decided to try a jump. I read many posts where members have successfully jumped from higher doses.  Once I got to the .064mg dose I started to get brain fog and fatigue but many of my other symptoms subsided.  I though it was a good time to try to get off the stuff.


My first day wasn't too bad.  I had mild surges of anxiety all day and woke at 4AM with anxiety.  Today I woke at 4AM with anxiety and could not get back to sleep.  All day I have had periods of anxiety some which I would term moderate.  My arm weakness is back just not as bad. 


I still find it hard to believe that such a small dose of clonazepam can cause such havoc. 

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