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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Xanax use for sleep only


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I have been a Xanax user for about 5-6 years. I currently use 1.5 mg every night for sleep only. I almost never take any dose during the daytime. I am trying to decide the best approach for reducing my reliance on Xanax for sleep.


When I am traveling overseas and forget to take my dose, I do notice my hands trembling/shaking in the days following. I assume this is a withdrawal symptom. What is the half-life of 1.5 mg dose of Xanax?


If I went C/T how long would these symptom last? 

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Hello chiefthinker,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


I too, utilized Xanax for sleep only, long term.  And my hands did the same thing.  In fact, after more time on the drug than you, my hands shook constantly, every single day.  


I would not cold turkey this drug.  Withdrawal symptoms can last a very long time and for some unlucky folks, this can be years instead of months.  I would instead, opt to taper off of the medicine and allow my body to stabilize between cuts.  If you'd like to look at my taper schedule, there is a link in my signature.  Good luck to you.


At your dosage of 1.5mg, I reduced .0625mg, (a quarter of a .25mg Xanax), every 8 to 14 days until I hit zero.  The half life of Xanax is 6-12 hours according to the Ashton Manual.  However, it generally took me 4-5 days to feel increased symptoms from a dosage reduction.


You can post a topic about your taper on our General Taper Plans Board.  The second pink-highlighted post explains the three accepted taper methods.  Also:


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Members discuss their symptoms on Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Welcome to the board!

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welcome  :) stopping cold turkey is a brutal way to get off benzodiazepines. I know firsthand how horrible it is. In my opinion a cold turkey withdrawal can cause severe and prolonged symptoms. Xanax is a very potent benzodiazepine. It is 10 times stronger than valium, so the dose you are is the equivalent to 15 mg of valium. The half life of Xanax is very very short. Many people think that the withdrawal symptoms stop once the benzodiazepines are out of your system, but this is not the case. Because of Xanax's short half life doctors often use valium as a cross over drug because of its longer half life. [100 plus hours]. You have been on Xanax for many years. In my opinion a slow taper can help minimize your withdrawal symptoms.
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