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cant have a normal convo


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I hate not being able to have a conversation even on a good day.i can comment on something but cant have a one on one talk and for some reason I feel extremely awkward lokking into someones eyes for more then 5 seconds lol I really hope thisgoes away eventually.this is definately the longest ive gone not talking to a girl :/
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I had this too, Dee.


For a very long time I would get this as part of what I now know was interdose withdrawals.  I saw it as part of my disorder, which it wasn't.  It was a side affect of the pills.  Some kind of extreme form of anxiety for me. 


I used to tell my doctor that if I didn't have this I wouldn't really need any pills.  His solution was to take another one, which I did for a very long time.


I no longer have this happen.  Stopping the pills and allowing myself time to heal is the only explanation. 



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this is crazy, reading this has been so tranquilizing for me.. wow...


how old are u?


and the girl issue is the same with me man.. i used to have many gfs and now i just cant talk to them.. weird hardcore sh**!

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