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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Confused now as what to , withdrawal or tolerance how do I know the difference


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Hi I am so confused now as what to do , how do I know if I have hit tolerance or am in withdrawal . Some people say not to cut again until I have stabilised and some say the longer you stabilise your more likely to hit tolerance . Advice please thanks
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There is different opinions on this. I found a govt uk site that said not to cut more than 10% at a time and to hold for 3-4 weeks. Bataid.org which helps people get off tranquilizers told me that they have their clients hold for 3 weeks but most hold longer.


I don't know if there is an exact science to this. Some say tolerance others not. I personally held for 3-4 weeks and had minimal w/d symptoms. I am very sensitive to cuts though so some people can go faster.


Personally, it looks like you've tapered pretty fast. I personally would give it more time to see if the w/d symptoms eased up. Everyone is different though.

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Hi thanks for your reply . Yes my taper plan was quite quick but I struggled more from past two tapers . I'm going to give it another week and maybe taper by .5 mg rather than the 1mg . Thanks for your help
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Hi thanks for your reply . Yes my taper plan was quite quick but I struggled more from past two tapers . I'm going to give it another week and maybe taper by .5 mg rather than the 1mg . Thanks for your help


It's a good idea to cut back on you dosage drop. You're taper was pretty quick. You don't want to be benzo free but yet suffer the consequences of a fast taper. ~ Bets

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When I started my taper I was at 6mg k daily. Pdoc had me cut every 2 months, at .75mg k daily, pdoc has me hold at 3 months. On the higher dosed, I would stabilize, lower doses usually don't stabilize. Good luck, stay strong.    Kay
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Hi thanks . Don't know how many of you are from the uk . Most docs here don't alow a really slow taper . Most go by the Ashton manual of 1mg drop every two  weeks and they don't seem to be very hot on really small tapers because of cutting pills as cannot always cut right amount . They not ones for liquid taper either . So a bit stuck

Thanks Tracy

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I've been at .5 mg of Ativan for over two months now.  I got down to .4375, switched to liquid that didn't work, had a major meltdown, and went back up to .5 to stabilize.  I've had a really rough couple of weeks and feel like I'm just starting to come out of the slump. My doc (addiction specialist) says to stay where I am until I feel stable.  She is dead set on my going real slow no matter what.  After my meltdown, I am inclined to listen to her. I don't want to end up in the ER, like I almost did.  Just my experience.
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