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Exercise Question


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Hello, hope all is well with everyone....my question is, when is it OK to exercise?  and what are some good exercises if I'm only a month out....don't want to make my symptoms worse, although I am desperate for some relief.  Thank you in advance.


Peace, Sheri

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Some people are able to do more then others. What do you like to do? Whatever it is, just do it lightly and see how you feel. Its when someone overdoes it that they get into a bad spot.
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I was exercising steadily for a little over a month. I stopped about a week ago because I think it was responsible for a bad spot as I had pushed myself a little too hard. I plan on easing back in to it though maybe concentrating more on cardio
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I think the best place to start is with stretching. Then some light walking. I think light yoga, say Jane Fonda's beginning yoga. Extra walking like parking the car a good distance from destination, stairs, walking around while on the phone. You will be able to judge your body's response and work from there. Some people are simply unable to exercise due to symptom overload. The good thing is that we can always lighten up the exercise process or move forward. It's all good!!
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