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Scary Existential Panicky Feeling...Help


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I don't even know how to describe it. It came out of nowhere. It's like I just looked around and my brain thought 'wow, this is creepy, this is actually real life, how weird', then it felt like I left my body for a few seconds, and then the adrenaline started rushing. I managed to not have a panic attack, but I can't stop thinking about that weird existential feeling I experienced. Anyone else have something similar happen?
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This is derealization / depersonalization.  It sucks and it was my main symptom of withdrawal for awhile.  It does pass though!  It can't hurt you and you are not crazy :)
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Try googling and reading up on it - this helped me some to reassure myself that I wasn't going crazy and that it was just another symptom of anxiety!  Benzo withdrawal is pretty known to cause this.
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Yup. Look through my journal or post history. I've talked about this "existential pain" many many times.


It's normal. Many of us are going through it.

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It is not nescessarily depersonalization or derealization but can be the feeling of you returning to you and your brain seeing and adapting to a calm state and being unmedicated after years. The sober you adjusting and it can be weird but great at the same time.  It can be other factors of withdrawal and combinations of symptoms like vision,thoughts at the same time,waves ect causing this..and sensations and senses.
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It is not nescessarily depersonalization or derealization but can be the feeling of you returning to you and your brain seeing and adapting to a calm state and being unmedicated after years. The sober you adjusting and it can be weird but great at the same time.  It can be other factors of withdrawal and combinations of symptoms like vision,thoughts at the same time,waves ect causing this..and sensations and senses.


Weird you mention that, as I kind of thought that myself. It's like after being in such a horrid anxiety state for the first month of w/d, it feels like my body is now noticing the world around me and trying to get acclimated to it. I was just constantly in my head so much for that first month reassuring myself I would be okay, and now that the anxiety isn't as bad, I can finally look around again and notice life.

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Yeah your right on with your thinking Luigi. Were acclimating as we calm and heal further. My month one was horrible and I look back and I say thank God. I also am able to sit still and notice life again. Its nice.
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  • 2 years later...

old thread but...bump



this is what I got,very strong in the early withdrawal...it still comes butnless intense ,especially before my period.

It is like im freaking out of my own existence,it feels uncomfortable to exist.


anyone more feeling this?

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