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Meds/supps for a depper sleep??


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Hi Everyone,

Have been experiencing lighter sleep with vivid dreams, waking up quite a few times per night.

Anybody know of any meds/supplements that are good to take during the taper process that will not interact with the benzo.

For example, does Diphenhydramin (active ingredient of Nytol) interact?

Any suggestions would be most and desperately welcome.

Thanks, Everyone.



I am currently down 25% (a month into the taper) from once per day .5mg Lorazepam original dose. Started the Lorazepam in March this year. Cutting 5% per week dissolving tab in liquid taper of 100ml water.


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Hi Everyone,

Have been experiencing lighter sleep with vivid dreams, waking up quite a few times per night.

Anybody know of any meds/supplements that are good to take during the taper process that will not interact with the benzo.

For example, does Diphenhydramin (active ingredient of Nytol) interact?

Any suggestions would be most and desperately welcome.

Thanks, Everyone.



I am currently down 25% (a month into the taper) from once per day .5mg Lorazepam original dose. Started the Lorazepam in March this year. Cutting 5% per week dissolving tab in liquid taper of 100ml water.

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Hi Lisa!


You will find a variety of responses to this question as everyone is so different!


I used melatonin early on mad it worked great. About month four I was sleeping good and quit using it. A few weeks later I started having sleep issues and started the melatonin again, but it didn't work well that time.


I've used diphenhydramine and it works, but for me, half a Unisom works best (doxylamine). I try to go as long as I can without taking anything so that my body can adjust, but if I go to many nights without good, restorative sleep I will take the Unisom.


None of those interact with Benzos and will be fine to use. It is recommended that no sleep aid be used for more than a few days.


I hope you get a good nights sleep!

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Hi Lisa88.  Melatonin worked for me.


You opened duplicate threads in different sections of the board, so I merged the two threads together and moved them here.



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Hi Lisa!


You will find a variety of responses to this question as everyone is so different!


I used melatonin early on mad it worked great. About month four I was sleeping good and quit using it. A few weeks later I started having sleep issues and started the melatonin again, but it didn't work well that time.


I've used diphenhydramine and it works, but for me, half a Unisom works best (doxylamine). I try to go as long as I can without taking anything so that my body can adjust, but if I go to many nights without good, restorative sleep I will take the Unisom.


None of those interact with Benzos and will be fine to use. It is recommended that no sleep aid be used for more than a few days.


I hope you get a good nights sleep!


Thank you so much, GMIT. This is very helpful. i too was prescribed benzos for tinnitus. Long term benzos for tinnitus are not a great way to go as it turns out. Hoping your tinnitus has subsided since onset and definitely since the taper!!

If you have any more info on how the taper effected your tinnitus, please do let me know.

Hugs and Thanks to you!


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I must have tried every possible supplement and over-the-counter medication for sleep. The ONLY one that seemed to help was something called Allteril. Its herbal, but isn't cheap. I bought it at local drug stores. I wish benedryl or melatonin had worked for me!!!



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My wife uses Melatonin and has worked very well for her. She was up to 15 mgs of Zopiclone, sometimes more. What a scary freak'n drug that is. She was a walking zombie in the middle of the night and would eat copious amounts of sweets, bread, brown sugar by the handful. Next morning, she wouldn't remember.

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Another alternative to try is magnesium! I've been researching (don't have the links right now) and found that the vast majority of people with insomnia are deficient in magnesium!


I have started taking magnesium, D (I'm low on this), and zinc before bed, along with tea with two teaspoons of raw natural honey in it before bed. I slept 9.5 hours last night!


Research magnesium and the raw natural honey...both help insomnia!!


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