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Anxiety when typing and in various spaces


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Hi everyone...I am 4 months a week off of benzos. When I type with both hands sometimes I freeze up :-( when I walk from space to space sometimes my body freezes up before I can take another step. Especially big spaces or one with a lot of people.


Plus I have inner ear stuff due to benzos...balance issues, fullness of ears, etc...


I hate this...anyone else going through this?


Anyone have these sxs and are now free from it?



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I have had this happen especially the body freezing up. Sounds like anxiety/panic to me. There are methods to reduce anxiety and panic attacks like cbt, diet, deep relaxation etc. I know your pain as I have experienced it often. One time my legs froze up and I had to be carried to the car out of the job center. Ya it sucks, but you can reduce the frequency of these attacks.
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I'm doing all of that...but thank you. I have confirmed inner ear stuff...as my ENT said, "My inner ear is angry and was supressed by benzos." So now my body is having a time readjusting. My inner ear has to learn how to function without the benzos.


Inner ear stuff can cause jittery vision, poor balance, feeling like I am in constant motion, spatial disorientation, rocky boat sensation, anxiety, heart palps, ear fullness, etc. All of which I have  :'(


I have a very clean diet due to Lyme Disease, I can't ingest caffeine (have not been able to do so since 1996), I meditate, do light work outs, etc.


I'm doing balance exercises and in physical therapy for it too.


Anyone been down this road? Let me know :-)


It's all disturbing...but I know I will pull through.

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Seems like you're doing the right physical things, perhaps you can try not to focus on it too much mentally? This is a mental battle as well as a physical battle. We have to use all of our weapons. Are you getting enough sunlight? 15mins a day? Also how many hours of deep relaxation do you do before bed? I have some days where I do 6 hours of meditation/deep relaxation and it really helps.
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Hi LM, sorry to hear of your symptoms. I was wondering if anyone with balance/nausea/floaty problems has looked into "Sea Bands". They are a pair of wrist bands that are used by boaters for motion nausea. The wrist band has a one bead on the band - to use the band, you place one band on each wrist, with the one bead on the inside of your wrist - the bead is facing in (I think it is some type of acupressure point) - the band instructions tell you where to put the bead. You can buy them at marine stores or online I think. I used them quite a bit in my old life and they made a difference every time.  The other thing that helped me was to fix my eyes on a distant, non-moving point and stare at the non-moving point for a few minutes. When I get unstable at home, I use sunglasses inside - too much moving light bothers me. Feel better.

Your friend,

:):smitten: ~allisonleigh

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Hey Rar...I can't meditate for 6 hours a day...I work and I'm a single mom. I can use some sunlight.


Allison, thank you so much! I have a kinesiologist and works a lot with acupressure so I'll ask him about those bands :-)


I will say this today's been a pretty good day for me. I didn't start feeling rock into a little while ago so all day I do not have the rocky boat sensatation.

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