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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I really need so advice


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I returned to college last week , had an awful panic attack this past Tuesday now it seems downhill. I returned to class today only to be hit with some sort of wave/ panic attack. I'm sitting there trying to concentrate when I got very hot, my body was twitching and pinching everywhere. I felt so ill I stayed in class then it passed. Then my heart started pounding, hands shaking I felt out of it again.  I pushed through but honesty I don't think I can go back. I feel so fatigued then get hit with these waves in class. I read and don't comprehend a word I haven't even attempted assignments. I just want to lay in my bed all day long.
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Hi Craziimina


You are still in the early stages of withdrawal. It may be that college is just too much at this stage.


Can you take a year out?


I don't know how often you have panic attacks but if they happen regularly perhaps you need to rethink your college plans. You will enjoy the course and get better results when you are well.


Tske csre


LF  :smitten:

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This was the second panic attack this week. I never had panic attacks before my Klonopin taper and withdrawal. I did all my classes last year online because of my taper, now I have to return to campus to graduate.


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I am sure you knwo this but panic attacks are all due to K if you never had them before.  I used to get them frequently and I sitll get them occaionally but I do not fear them.  That is the key which is a paradox.  Your  body is sending out "fear" signals.  What I do is I say to myself "this is just an adrenaline rush(I don't call them panic attacks as that gives them more power) and I my body is falsely telling me I feel like I am going to die.  I know I won't.  I have ahd this feeling hundreds of times before and I am still here.  While I feel terrible right now, I am not going to feed this natural body adrenaline rush with a second level of panic and anxiety.  It will go away as it has every time before.  This time is not different".   


It is very difficult to do this the first five or ten times but eventually the adrenaline rushes lose their power over you.  If you keep retreating from them they get more powerful.  If you face them like a bully in the schoolyard they will lessen and maybe even disappear.  Istill get them but that is because my CNS is screwed up from the K taper and jump.


Hope this isn't too preachy 

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Not preachy at all, any tips or advice on how to overcome this is much appreciated. It's the most awful feeling I get nauseous, confused, hot it's like every bad feeling possible at one time. I'm not sure if maybe all of this related to hormones but it's just awful.
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No matter how many times it happens it will always feel the same.    It is a chemical reaction that stimulates our fear center of the brain.  That's where the self talk is important and helps prevent the secondary fear.  Look up Claire Weeks on the internet.  She has passed away but she has a great free mpeg on how to deal with them.  With the K taper and after effects you are going to continue to get them so learning how not to worry about them is paramount. Good luck!



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Hi C,


It is up to you on whether or not you continue, of course. You mentioned that you were spotting recently, so it may just be that your body is starting a menstruation cycle. Progesterone drops at the start, and many feel anxiety/panic. I know I sure have! No big deal -- it is awesome that you just saw it through, as awful as it felt. It is NOT the circumstance's fault or cause. Claire Weekes is a fantastic listen, and she's right -- panic is NOTHING to fear. And, it will pass! Withdrawal is temporary :) Giving things more time might be good, too -- but up to you, of course!


We're going to be okay! Praise God :) Our recovery is happening, as we speak :) Take care,


Mrs. :smitten:

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Thank you all but my day seems to be getting worse :/(

I get this "flu like " feeling I had it in April then June of my taper. It's awful I get chills , feel feverish (with no temp) , and lethargic I know it has something to do with benzos. After I got home today I started to feel this flu, severe cramps in my legs-- I do think this wave is hormone related. I feel like my body is desperately trying to regulate itself. I will try again next week, if I can't continue in school I can't but I want to try and not let these benzos win.  I have so much other stress in my life I think I boiled over this week :-(

Blessings and healing to all of you.

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Yes, can you put off college and wait until you feel you have the ability to concentrate wholly on your studies without being sidetracked by the unpredictability of benzo w/d? It seems to me that relaxation right now is sorely needed rather than jumping into new classes and coursework. Klonopin w/d is well known for causing a lot of cog fog, depression, lack of focus, and lack of motivation, as well as anxiety and a lot of other very nasty symptoms. If you can possibly wait to take classes down the line when you're feeling much better, that would be ideal. You're giving it your best shot now, but know that if you decide to wait, it has nothing to do with your abilities and everything to do with the crap of w/d. It's not something that can be forced out or wished away.  Time is the true healer.
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No I really cannot take anymore time off. I got off the Klonopin because I could not focus in school on almost 3mg of that garbage. I felt much, much worse during the beginning of my taper when I was in school. Last year I was able to do all of my classes online...

I have so much money invested in this degree. I'm not a typical age student

32 with three children.  I don't know how I will get off this, I will try one more full week. if I keep having these episodes I will need to make some changes.


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