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Not Stabilizing


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I have been at 1.5 mg for 3 weeks now. I am not stabilizing. Severe tremors, twitching, anxiety, restlessness. I feel so helpless. It takes all I have not to updose. So miserable. I thought this was supposed to get better. Could this just be really bad tolerance withdrawals? I'm SO tired. And SO confused.


Just needed to put it out there.

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Feeling awful eh? Sorry  :-\ Don't think updosing is the answer but only you can make that call. Some people updose and get worse so that's why it's not always the best. I think you hold for another week or two just to make sure and honestly, if it were me, I d cut again if things stay the same after that. But only you can make the decision as what is best for you. Good luck and hang in there  :smitten:



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Hi there if any help I have empathy for you I am in the same boat . 3 weeks since my last taper but have Goodish days and bad days . Just when I think I have turned a corner wham it's back . I saw my Gp and he's put my taper on hold another couple of weeks . I'm so scared of my next taper but know I got to do it . It's hard to take things day by day . I can't maybe any arrangements to do anything as nev know how I'm going to be .chin up though must be a light at end of that tunnel . Personally I won't up my tabs either was hard slog getting where I am . I also suffer the fatigue , anxiety , bad head . Hope this has helped a bit


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