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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I've been on them for a bit over 2 weeks now(tinapetine and lorazepam).For GAD and Depression. Not feeling all that great but it gives me a sense of it starting to work, I have my share of anger moments instead of anxiety but generally I'm not that anxious anymore or depressed.

So my question is can I just quit the Lorazepam? I don't take more than 1mg a day (mostly divided in 2 doses , 1 in the morning and 1 @ 4-5pm). I've read It's not recommended to take it more than 4 weeks but my doctor seemed happy to give me this and even ask me If I would like some sleeping aids or any other kind of benzo, I don't like where this is going at all because I feel I can battle this with only my AD.

Waiting for your guys opinions on this and If you think It's dangerous for me to just quit it. I currently Didn't take any dose today, had a mild anxiety on-set that went away.

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It is never advisable to "just quit" taking a benzo. But it would be helpful to know more about you. Have you ever taken a benzo in the past? Other drugs, including illegal ones? Alcohol? Do you have a medical history of seizures or neurological problems?


Okay...now having said all that - if you have only been on them two weeks, you MIGHT be okay just stopping but I could never, ever recommend doing that.



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Thank you for your interest.

I've decided to remove most of the post since I wanted to be as direct as possible.

I've used Weed, even syntactical cannabis, alcohol, mdma, mepehdrone, you get the idea. But It's all in the past now, I stopped abusing those substances a long time ago( the harder ones) and the Weed along with alcohol exactly 17 days ago. I felt my panic attacks coming back along with a greater depression so I had a last marathon on both,then went straight to the doctor where he prescribed me this based on my history.

I have no history of seizures or neurological problems.

About 3-4 years ago I was on Cipralex and Lorazpeam(amongst other benzos) for panic attacks. This were due to mainly my heavy use of uppers such as mephedrone and other RCs. I was a dumb, just trying to fit in groups and escape my timid  ways.

I stopped Cipralex after 3  aprox months and the benzos myself because I was turned into a zombie, even tho my panic attacks were gone, I was just not myself and I didn't like that. After going thru the symptoms of head zaps for a few months, intense crying and fear probably from the benzos. I was finally free and happy but I was dragged right in the life-style I was trying to get rid of, mostly due to my group of friends. I'm not blaming them, they were just the only people I knew and drugs along with wasted nights was the main activity.

Now I consider myself to have grown out of that and I really want to focus on improving my life. I don't see myself being tempted again.


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Yeah.. I think you were right east. I started getting hyped up  that feeling you get before an anxiety attack. Sitting with the pill next to me, trying to ride the wave out without it.
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Before I say anything else, I want to tell you that I, too, have a history of using multiple substances, including alcohol and large amounts of benzos. I stopped drinking a few years back, but I did take benzos for 30 years. I am 64 now but in my 20s I used just about any illegal drug you could name, and not small amounts of them.

There is something called kindling. To make it short, if a person has stopped taking more than one drug (including alcohol and every other things you mentioned-) it can cause the person to have worse and worse withdrawals. You may not have experienced "withdrawal symptoms" when you stopped all those other drugs, but your brain DID go through withdrawal. Drugs work on our Central Nervous System. Benzos are notorious for causing, in some people, terrible and long lasting withdrawals. And for those of us who have "kindled", withdrawal can be even worse when you go off another drug. I know this happened to me, in a huge way.

I appreciate your honesty about all this. I am not judging you whatsoever.

What I have found out the hard way is that it is just to risky for me to use any kind of drug again. I never want to go through again what I have gone through these past two years. I have had to start learning new ways to comfort myself without using drugs. For me, this means not sleeping well at all. You say right now you wont be tempted again.....but you will be. Don't believe that little reassuring voice - its kidding you, teasing you into a false sense of security. But you have a lot of company in this. Most of the members on this forum are slowly tapering off a benzo, that was prescribed and was taken as ordered. But there are also some of us who were different, who did abuse different drugs including benzos. There is no shame in this. We are all just human beings trying to survive in a crazy, drug filled world.

How can we help you further? What is your plan?


So, what is your plan??




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Personally if it was me and had only taken them for a couple of weeks I would just stop. You may have some unpleasant symtoms but they should be very short lived like your use. If you stay on them any longer you may have to do a taper which could last more than your use.
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First of all you can't imagine how happy I am that I'm able to talk to someone about this. I can't tell my friends because they are all very judgmental and like to spread the word, my parents are not educated regarding depression. My mother found out and tells me I don't need this crap, It's all in my head. But trust me, I tried hard to believe that and keep distracted from this dark cloud. I think it goes way back since the beginning of school. I was always the shy kid, made fun of, bullied and the environment was not help-full at all. I also didn't really have a male role-model most of my childhood since my father tried  to make a better living for us working abroad.

I'm in my early 20's now and I can tell you that I'm starting to get to know myself better and learn why I react in the ways I do, unlike my earlier years where I had no idea what was going on and why. I didn't know why the hell were people so mean.

Again, I'm not really in the best situation and I'm constantly pressured by my parents to be successful since we're not doing that great financially, esp my mother that keeps saying I should be strong and support her when she's old, don't get me wrong I really want to. Anyway, life right? We have to try not to give in, because problems always happen and It doesn't get any easier if you keep bragging.I will keep on fighting. I just had to get this bit off my chest.

And no, I'm not that negative type of person, I always try my best to see the bright side, even if It's hard.


I don't know..my plan is not to get further with this meds. I love the idea of Tinepatine, heard a lot of great stuff about it, and my body is reacting good to it, I want to go down this road, no serious side effects. Unlike Cipralex that dulled me and made me putt on weight also started to develop some weird skin rashes. But I don't want to add benzos to this again. I just can't accept the fact that I'll have to use this highly addictive drug. I'm trying to get away from them not come back...


Update- I'll try and stop and keep you guys updated of how I'll feel in the morning. I highly doubt I can get any serious side-effects such as a seizure after this short time that I've used, and this AD seems to have an anxiolytic  effect after 30 mins of ingesting it.

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Tianeptine (I may have misspelled it-) is not "highly addictive." In fact the abuse potential is rather low. If it is helping you, I wouldn't worry about it right now. If its NOT helping, that's another story.

If you've only been on Lorazepam two weeks, you MIGHT be fine just stopping it. What does your doctor think? I cant, in good conscience, just advise you to do this: it is a personal decision. I am not qualified to decide this for you, or anyone. But whatever you decide, we will be here to try to help.

I know how you feel, having found people you can talk to about these things. Most of us here didn't have "local" support. That is why this forum exists, to fill a void.

You sound intelligent, thoughtful...I think youre going to do fine, whatever you decide.




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My doctor was all in for this benzos and was asking me of what I want like I was in a candy store. He told me he can add something for sleep too if I want, and If lorazepam doesn't fit me I can come by anytime and he will give me something else. I didn't really like to hear this words coming from his mouth "You shouldn't feel bad because you need this. We're all addicted to food, water and air, some people just need something extra to live a normal life." He was probably trying to comfort me, but It  did sound like life-time of using benzos is awaiting me, he really gave me that vibe.



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He sounds like he was too eager to prescribe benzos to you. A lot of doctors in the US and UK are now much more hesitant to write for them, thank God. He probably meant well, but......so many doctors don't know what else to do other than write a prescription. He may have perceived you as someone very anxious, unable to sleep, etc., and did the only thing he knew how to do. And really, what else can a doctor offer, for these things? I know for a fact that my psychiatrist felt that I was an overly anxious woman, who couldn't sleep well. Psychiatrists no longer do any sort of therapy - all they do (IMO) is manage medications. So, he did what he knew how to do: write prescriptions. Now, why he didn't know not to write them for 12 years, I don't know!



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Yeah, well I was a bit anxious since I went in the morning when my anxiety is higher, second of all I was a bit hungover and third he was a new face, new doctor also not really far from my age in his 30's  not really easy to open up like that. And the hospital is pretty messed up with people that have some big issues. But overall I think I've handled it well. He did make a small talk, I told him about my past with Cipralex and he told me about this AD and that it has no side-effects and said If only take this and do nothing about my situation, remain in the same environment that makes me like this, It won't do much.  He said I should be on it for  6 months, and that 6 months should be feel good ones, before we can talk about a tapper of the medication but  he was adding the benzo to this too.

Sadly i'm neither from USA or UK.. so yeah not really in an educated  place.

I know I'm no doctor, but since I've read so much about them and seeing how others can cope with higher levels of anxiety/depression without the use of benzos, why shoudn't I ? I'm not that closed type of person and can go talk to any stranger and make a nice discussion and leave a good impression,  I was even in some charity door to door activities among-st others. Bottom line is I have no problem with the world outside of me, only the one inside.

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You've stopped drinking alcohol, right?

Yes, I think you can handle these emotions without using drugs, but its a lot of work. If you do go "see someone", there is no need to make a good impression. Therapists, etc., are all too familiar with seeing people at the worst. I guess what youre saying is that you wouldn't be uncomfortable talking to a stranger...? How will you find a decent counsellor? I don't have any suggestions on that - I have seen several in the past and only one was good.



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Yes, i no longer drink at all. Updating you guys from the hospital, and I don't like where this is going at all! i told my doctor i halfed my lorazepam intake and I want to quit it or proposed to him to be moved on a very low dose of diazepam, since I read it helps people quit benzos. When hearing this he told me to move on xanax because diazepam is stronger than both xanax and lorazepam. I can't wait to change the city and go check another doctor. For now i just renewd my prescription for this month of my ad, and new benzo xanax.... What do you guys think?
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Good grief, why are you in a hospital?????? Are you okay?

I cannot advise you on whether you should take the Xanax. I wouldn't, but that's a personal decision. I  am unclear on exactly what medications you are currently on (not including the new Xanax) and what you are getting off of.


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Well, it's a psychiatric hospital, since all doctors that are in this field from the town moved here. It's not as bad as it sounds. Heh :P . I was just waiting on a chair for my prescription to be written and approved so I thought I should write here while waiting.

I was prescribed Tianeptine 12.5mg 3x times a day and Lorazepam 0.5 mg in the morning and 0.5 mg at noon.  I'm now for 3 weeks on this treatment and I can see some improvements, I don't feel the need to indulge on weed or alcohol and I really have some happy moments sometimes. 

I lowered down the dose myself to 0.5 mg lorazepam in the morning and I'm doing just fine. Although if I don't take it, anxiety creeps in hard in the morning, harder than before starting this treatment.

Reason I went in today was to renew my prescription of Tianeptine since I will  be out of town the following week and I don't want to run out. I also discussed with my doctor that I want to lower my benzos intake, even quit them, and this happened... I was prescribed 90 pills of Xanax. I still have the lorazepam from the last prescription( 1 blister and a half of it ) and now 90 pills of Xanax... I will try swapping to it since It's just 0.25 of Xanax in the morning and see how it goes with just that. It should be weaker than the 0.5 mg lorazepam i'm currently on, right?


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Update: Today I've woken up much better than the days before. I went ahead and swapped from 0.5mg lorazepam to 0.25mg of Xanax. Feeling pretty good, slightly tense, but this could also be due to the fact that I'm not smoking anymore. I did buy some Nicotine patches that are on the lowest dose(7mg) and plan on taking them for 6 weeks then quit all together.

I'll see how this day goes, I love the fact that I  can split the Xanax dose in half easy even tho it's the smallest dose. It will help me on my journey to quit. As for the Xanax, if all goes well I plan on taking this dose for another 4-5 days, then split that too(0.125mg) for another 3-4 days and Freedom!

Anyone else who is reading this thinking why the hell don't I go and talk to some proper doctors.. well in my country there are very, very hard to find and very  far away from me and my financial possibilities.

I'm positive that my AD alone can do the job and I really hate my doctor for saying that I should stick to the benzo for all my treatment.(6 months or more). His main reason was that my anxiety will creep back in if I stop taking them(duh!)

Me on the other hand I want to fight my anxiety, learn to control it and If I will not be depressed anymore I'm sure I will even have more power to do so.


I've checked



Semms like 0.5mg xanax = 1mg lorazepam

Meaning 0.25 = 0.5mg lorazepam wich I was on.

But the good side is Xanax has a shorter half-life meaning that It's still an upgrade for me. It will be out of my system faster but at the same time not come as a shock.


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Good for you, quitting smoking at this time!

When you say you "swapped" out the Lorazepam, do you mean the pharmacy tok it back and gave you the Xanax? Wow, that wouldn't be legal in the US.



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I would like to thank you very much for your support east. I went hard on this since my short duration on benzos, and today I've taken just 0.125 of Xanax. I went outside to order some food, while waiting for It I was  agitated a bit but nothing I could not handle and tell myself it's only in my head. It was a lot like after drinking for many days and having that anxiety hangover. Again, this could also be intensified due to me not smoking anymore.

Now it all subsided and I feel way better than even yesterday when I was on 0.25mg of Xanax. All in all, sorry my language but f*ck my doctor saying that I should stick with the benzos. I will take this 0.125 dosage  tomorrow morning and maybe 1-2 more days and I'm off it for good, since I feel that my AD is helping me enough and really starting to kick in.


What will I do with the tons of benzos that I have left? Got no idea, will probably just keep them for god knows what...

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Get rid of the leftover benzos.....this subject has come up many times. There are several things you could do. Some pharmacies will take them back, and then destroy them. Some wont. The US government suggest grinding them up and putting them into something obnoxious like used kitty litter, and putting in the trash. They say DO NOT FLUSH any drugs down the toilet! Some doctors offices will take them back and destroy them.

Me - I didn't know any better, and just threw them in the trash. (Bad East!) Now I know that the safety of the public is important. But for your own safety and mental health, you need to get rid of them.


It sounds like youre really doing pretty well! Good job, and hang in there. I am still smoking and still dislike doing it. So frustrating! I have tried many things to quit, including hypnosis. Nothing worked. I guess right now, the best I can do is keep trying to cut back. I play several mental games with myself to cut down smoking. I.E. - I make one cigarette last me several hours. (As you know, they get nastier the shorter they get!) I only buy the cheapest smokes (the nastiest). I only smoke outdoors, not in my apartment. I have a cut off time for smoking, usually 8 pm, and if I wake in the middle of the night, no smoking allowed!  I suck on hard candy a lot. I drink a lot of decaf ice tea. I eat too much! (luckily I am not overweight-). All these games have kept my intake under 10 smokes a day but that is too many.

If you have any suggestions for me, please let me know.



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Hey Easy, today I felt pretty dizzy  when I woke up but nothing too bad. I went the pharmacy and bought  the patches, sadly they didn't have the lowest dosage ones (7mg) so I had to buy the 14 mg ones, but I cut them in 4 pices, since I  wanted to cut the 7mg one in half(Note: this is possible with this patches) I'm going for the quickest way out since my body is starting to get used to the tons of oxygen pumped in right now.  :D  It's the way I've learned to deal with things anyway, better the harder part and the fastest, than slow and painful for a longer period.


I found out that I have to fight myself in order to feel good, I have to go thru the feel bad part. For example today when I was feeling pretty dizzy and out of it. I got mad, and started to walk it out even If I felt strange and was really out of the mood to  take a walk around the city. So after my tour around, I later helped a friend with some chores, got a bit mad in-between them, but when It was over, god I felt amazing  ::) So as you say keep distracted keep doing other things. And as for advice for quitting smoking. There is one simple word that helps Not a single puff! It's that easy(sounds hard and is) but just never take another puff and keep fooling yourself with the time, I'll wait another 30 mins see how I feel, then I'll wait another 10 mins. And so on, the day passes and you get a really good sense of accomplishment after all that fight.


As for the benzos, I didn't throw them away. If I start feeling very anxious like I did yesterday morning, I kept the Xanax near me and started timing myself with the half an hour method, and kept telling myself, if this get's worse and worse I will take it eventually. Well an hour passed because I got distracted with something else and I didn't need it anymore. It's more of like that guy that want's to suicide and keeps one bullet in his gun so he can know that he can escape any time. And this is just a temporary fix I know, I will get rid of them eventually but I'll take whatever works for now!

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