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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Neuropathy, twitchings and atrophy


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Yes, me again. I have a lot if nerve issues in my left foot. Pins and needles. Tingling and electric feeling. I also have twitchings in my left calf. Now I've noticed atrophy in my left calf and left thigh. Can this be withdrawal? I've read somewhere that symptoms from the sensory nervous system is not an ALS symptom and it that calmed me down. But now I've read that ALS can give neuropathy. I'm so close to give up because I can't take this anymore. If anyone knows anything about this please let me know!
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I replied on your other thread. Please make an appointment with a qualified doctor and get checked out. Its highly unlikely to be ALS, however. That disease is pretty rare. In all my years as a nurse, Ive only had maybe 10 patients with it....one was a dear friend.



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Hi HGHG I have the same, atrophy in my arms , legs , the pins and needles in my and hands sometimes in my face . My Dr says typical withdrawal . The nerves are regenerating, with me it come and goes, . As for the atrophy, benzo s bind to fat receptors  so in withdrawal we lose weight and muscle too. I lost 80 lbs. It's all benzo bullshit you don't have LAS, it's super rare, you my friend will be OK. Take care my friend and good luck to you. Diane :smitten: :smitten: :thumbsup::)
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I really hope you're right, Diane! And thank you for responding! I definitely have nerve problems in left foot and it's affecting the muscles in my leg. I've never felt so sick in my life! I hope we all heal from this!
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This is all normal buddy in suffering from the same muscle pins tingling hurting ache and nerve sensations exacting the limbs you describe.. Your basically on the second half of withdrawal where your mind is awakening and your body and these sensations are coming to life and have to be experienced in WD..if your real worried I guess nothing wring with a doctor visit. But I think its all WD .
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