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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

A brief history of benzo use


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I would like to thank you for letting me join this support group (forum). I appreciate any help that any of you can give and I hope that I can be supportive in any way that I can, whenever I can in return.

The reason that I would like to join BenzoBuddies is because I am hoping to learn more and find ways and support to get off of Benzodiazepines.

I take klonopin. I have been taking klonopin for around twelve years and prior to that I took ativan for around four years. I would have to look at medical records to get any exact duration for the ativan. These pills were given to me for anxiety.

My present dose is 2 mg. daily.

I have not started my taper and have had three unsuccessful tapers in the past. One officially and two that I tried on my own. This is actually another reason that I have chosen to join this forum. I have been doing a lot of reading and I have made an appointment with my doctor to talk about the taper. I am really hoping to ask about peoples experiences with different forms of withdrawal methods. I realize that we are all different and have differing experiences but I am curious and believe that it may be helpful.  I have read The Ashton Manual and I am having some trouble making a decision. With my past taper attempts, there was no information that I was aware of so they were faster dry cutting attempts and this probably was not helpful in tapering successfully. I am looking at possibly switching to valium, liquid titration or liquid klonopin.

Any input would be helpful. Thank you.


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Hi Mountainflower,


Congratulations on deciding to taper off of benzo's and welcome to the forum!


You came to the right place to find information on how to taper off Klonopin safely.

And you will find that BenzoBuddies is a great community of people who can share their experiences with you and support and encourage you during your taper.


Seeing that you already read the Ashton manual, I will provide you with some links to the Withdrawal support board and the General taper plan board to get you started:

Withdrawal support during your taper


General taper plans


The rule of thumb for tapering is 5-10% every two weeks or so. Some people have to go a bit slower , others can go a little faster. It varies from person to person. But please know we will heal in time, eventually.


Please feel free to read and post on any of the other dedicated boards as well.


You might want to read up on the Substitution taper plan board too:

Substitution taper plans


It would be very helpful if you took a moment to create a signature. It contains your medication history and where you are in your taper. This shows with each post you make and allows for other members to give you more directed advice and support

Create a signature


Again, welcome aboard and good luck. Feel free to ask any questions you might have,



Mom of one

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Hello mountainflower,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


I'm sorry to hear that you failed at your previous attempts at tapering, this isn't unheard of though, many members make several attempts at tapering before they are successful, I'm sure that with a slow, careful taper plan you will succeed this time.


I tapered using the liquid titration method where you crush the pill and mix with fluid, usually milk, to make a suspension. I chose this method because it was difficult for me to make very small, very accurate cuts to my daily dosage by dry cutting as the smallest dose available in my benzo was 5 mgs. I found this method to be very successful so this might be a good option for you. I will give you a link to the Titration Taper Plan Board where titration is fully explained, have a read of the pink stickies at the top of this board. Here is the link :







I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Hi Mountainflower,

Welcome to BB from me too.


I am so glad you found us and am happy to read that you are considering crossing over to valium.  I was taking klonopin and crossed to valium for my taper and was very glad that I did.  I also used the liquid titration method of tapering and found it to be a very gradual gentle way to taper.


You could look in the support group board for the Crossing to Valium thread and get a lot of advice and suggestions there.  You will also find the Valium Tapering Group thread where there are experienced valium taperers who can help you decide what you want to do.


You are in the right place and I wish you the best of luck on your taper!

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welcome to benzo buddies. I am so glad you found us. I am sorry that you have tried to taper off Ativan unsuccessfully in the past. You have been on benzodiazepines for a long time so in my opinion a slow taper is in order to minimize symptoms. You may want to discuss with your doctor crossing over to valium for your withdrawal. Although we have members here that have tapered off Ativan in my opinion it is easier to taper off valium because of its long hang life. I would recommend taking your time. Stopping too quickly can cause some pretty miserable symptoms. We have lots of resources here as well as great members. The collective wisdom of everyone here is enormous. Again, welcome. It is always great t have a new member.


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Thank you all so very much for your warm welcome, understanding, kind and very encouraging words, guidance and support. :) There really is a wealth of information here! I am so glad that I found this forum!!
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Hi Mountainflower,

You're very welcome.

I would like to encourage you to start posting on some of the boards ( for which I provided some links). Not too many members go to this introduction board and when you start posting, people will get to know you and will be aware of your situation. You will find more support and directed help.


Happy to have you here, glad you found the forum!



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