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Symptom Free Before Tapering?


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Should people be symptom free before starting to taper?


I am now on 1.5 mg Xanax after taking around 3 mg Xanax a day for two months back in March and April. I did not taper, but just went back to my 1.5 mg after having two refills from two different pharmacies and used them for two months. Of course, I greatly regret that.


My symptoms include morning anxiety ( some days more than others ), some insomnia, but usually I can sleep o k and some weakness in my right hand at times, but not too often. What really bothers me is the morning anxiety on days it's higher than others.


Anyway,  I have read on some posts that some people are cutting at such a slow pace they are almost symptom free!


I question if I should even try tapering if I am currently having bothersome symptoms already?


Should the symptoms improve as a person tapers down after each cut and becomes pre-cut stable?


For example, when I get closer to 1 mg a day should my symptoms improve after I become stable after each cut?

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Should people be symptom free before starting to taper?


I am now on 1.5 mg Xanax after taking around 3 mg Xanax a day for two months back in March and April. I did not taper, but just went back to my 1.5 mg after having two refills from two different pharmacies and used them for two months. Of course, I greatly regret that.


My symptoms include morning anxiety ( some days more than others ), some insomnia, but usually I can sleep o k and some weakness in my right hand at times, but not too often. What really bothers me is the morning anxiety on days it's higher than others.


Anyway,  I have read on some posts that some people are cutting at such a slow pace they are almost symptom free!


I question if I should even try tapering if I am currently having bothersome symptoms already?


Should the symptoms improve as a person tapers down after each cut and becomes pre-cut stable?


For example, when I get closer to 1 mg a day should my symptoms improve after I become stable after each cut?


Are those withdrawal symptoms, or are they a return of your original symptoms.


In my opinion, if you are currently suffering withdrawal sxs at your current dose, then trying to go to a lower dose will exacerbate those sxs.


However, some folks never get "stable" and have very little choice except to work through it regardless of the sxs.

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I never had sxs until I came off the two month 3 mg a day dosage down to 1.5 mg and then had bad sxs until I started spreading out my 1.5 mg dosage. Never had sxs when I was at 1.5 mg before the 3 mg a day for two months.


Sometimes I think I should go up a dosage to around 2 -2.5 mg so I do get stable and then start to taper so that I do not suffer more than I would starting now already having sxs without even starting to taper. I know it would take longer, but man I have already suffered a lot.


I also have some really tragic things going on with my family. It's almost to much to bear.


Like I told my doctor, in a way, I have already been cutting the amount I have been taking by half!


Do most people start off sxs free before tapering?!? Are there people who feel relatively fine between cuts?


Would I be suffering the whole time I am cutting for several months if I start to taper now? I would try to make very small cuts.


I really need advice on what I should do?

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Wow!  That morning anxiety is killer.  I would feel like the world was crashing and that I was falling into a black hole....e-v-e-r-y  s-i-n-g-l-e  m-o-r-n-i-n-g.  Gaaaah!  Awful, just awful.


I'm off the Ativan now, this is day two free of the stuff and I woke up this morning crisp and clear and no anxiety.  I'm praying that this continues.  So hang in there!



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Thanks Alkaseltzer for your reply and congrats on your success! I hope you are anxiety free for life!


Did your morning anxiety improve as you tapered down. Is this common or uncommon as people get closer to the jump?


I assume many people experience withdrawals throughout tapering even after becoming " stable" from a cut? Is this true?


Did you work during your taper?

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You can't be more symptom free than you felt when in tolerance.  I think that's as good as it get's, the tolerance feeling.  Cut and when you get back to that "tolerance" feeling then that's it.  It's different for everyone too.
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