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Remeron with Trazadone?


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Has anyone tried this combination for insomnia? I've been told that Seroquel is difficult to taper, so I'm trying to refrain from anything too addictive (oh, the irony).


I thought I'd ask since Remeron affords me about 3 hours of sleep, perhaps it could be extended with the Traz?


Thank you for your time!

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All of them are addictive, unfortunately.


When I was coming off suboxone, I had terrible insomnia.

Munching handfuls of tart dried cherries every evening, that are rich in melatonin, did help gradually.

Far safer ..... and they are delicious!


Lizie    :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Trazodone can destroy your liver, kidney's and sex drive. What's that worth to you? I find long walks and reading before sleep helps quiet my mind. Also, Trazodone just knocks me out, no dreaming, so the crazies get worse. And I tend to feel slow and draggy all day with Traz. Now I dream. I don't sleep enough yet, but walking everyday is helping that.


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