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Help me please, can't take this anxiety anymore


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My mind keeps telling me to go back reinstate, my anxiety is so severe I cannot function, my husband is not talking to me, I am begging him to help me, he has had enough. 
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Im so sorry you're having such a tough time right now. It will pass, but Im sure you don't believe that. Perhaps you should consider getting some "in person" help, a counsellor or therapist - since your husband isn't supportive at the moment. Theres no shame in doing this, many of our members have done it. But in the meantime, there is always this forum. Are you active on the Anxiety thread?



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Thank you, I didn't know there was an anxiety thread. I can't take this 1 more day, it's extremely torturing.  I do need help, my pschitrist is one that think withdrawals are only 2 weeks with some anxiety.
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Thank you, I didn't know there was an anxiety thread. I can't take this 1 more day, it's extremely torturing.  I do need help, my pschitrist is one that think withdrawals are only 2 weeks with some anxiety.


That's what I was told by a drug and alcohol specialist...  ::)

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Hi helpmom.


I also get major anxiety which is one reason I reinstated (due to taper again this week). It's all very well & good when a psychiatrist quotes from a book the drug makers gve them, but it just doesn't work like that.


I find that anxiety begets anxiety, though. The more we worry the more anxious we become. A vicious cycle bacisally.


Some people I know suggest deep breathing and herbal teas and such, but I'm just not into all that. I'm more in the camp that thinks anxiety is the body's way of telling us something's wrong in our lives that we're not paying proper attention to.


I know what it's like to live with a partner who doesn't listen, too.  Not much can be done about that in my experience, this seems to be an individual journey of discovery.


I wish I had some sage words of advice to switch off the anxiety but I don't. Just wanted to show up and say you're not alone and that maybe looking for the source of it may help ease it off (no easy task I know).


All the best,




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You are in acute and you have almost made thirty days...hang in there!  You are going through the worst and while it won't be a picnic is does get easier.  Just focus on surviving each hour and notching another day under your belt to being free of this debacle.    I am sorry you are suffering.  There really is no way out of this except through this. :-[
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My mind keeps telling me to go back reinstate, my anxiety is so severe I cannot function, my husband is not talking to me, I am begging him to help me, he has had enough.


The first month of a cold turkey withdrawal can be pretty horrific. In  my first thirty five days I managed to go to the hospital 10 times. I became a frequent flyer. The length of the acute phase various from person to person. For me  it lasted approximently 5 weeks. During that time symptoms were unbearable and quite freighting. After that symptoms, especially mental ones started to lessen, and month by month I started to get better. I personally would not reinstate at this point. You are past recommended two week window, and in my opinion if you reinstated you could immediately go into a tolerance withdrawal or they could have a paradoxical effect where they do the exact opposite of what you want. You also risk kindling. That is where each subsequent withdrawal gets harder and harder. Stopping cold turkey is brutal. That is why tapering is advised. A cold turkey withdrawal can produce some severe symptoms. I think you will find this all more manageable when you are past the acute phase. You may want to seek outside help with a therapist. It really helps to be able to talk to someone face to face.

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