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Hey guys I'm new to this forum so sorry if I'm flooding it with posts but I have so many stupid questions... I'm off work today and tomorrow as, after 8 weeks of feeling shaky, off balance, like everything is moving, and not sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time because of crazy dreams and waking up shaking, feeling like I'm vibrating, having palpitations, I'm completely shattered! My issue today (and many other days recently) is that my lower back and legs are absolutely killing me and I just can't get comfy. Does this sound like tolerance/ wd or something more serious? I'm worried about ms etc.
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Hi, during my taper, I had severe pain in my lower back and the top of my right leg was horribly painful and on fire. I could not walk for Dec-Jan. In my case, it was caused by severe muscle spasms caused by withdrawal - in addition, my L5 vertebrae was out of alignment. I chose chiropractic/acupuncture/massage therapy instead of conventional medicine. It worked but I had the problem Nov. 2013-May 2014. There are also topical treatments and hot/cold/alternating hot-cold treatments. If you go that route, see what seems to help - sometimes heat is not the answer. In my case, ice packs finally lowered the major back pain. You might want to see your doctor first and go from there.
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