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Many Thanks to Many People. This is about PAWS and Work.


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I don't have daily computer access, so I've accumulated a lot of people to thank this summer. You know who you are, I hope. I'm sorry I didn't explain this in the couple of posts I made during the past couple of months.


One of you made an excellent point about working from home. This is something I've been tossing around for the past couple of years. I've been sober for two of those, so I believe I could pull this off now--in the past, not so much.


And I haven't actually had a home, either. (At my folks' place for the past half year; they have dial-up....) The awful factory job I talked about back in June is over now, and I've saved enough money to return to some facsimile of independent, adult life, so: what are the at-home workers doing? What kind of equipment do they need for their jobs? How much do they need to know about computers? (Being functionally out of it for the past twelve years, I do not know a whole lot--pretty much how to hack around the Internet, doing pseudo-research on topics such as the benzo industry and the problems it has spawned. And PAWS.)


I have Asperger's traits and a non-language-related learning disorder diagnosis. No formal AD dx yet; if it doesn't cost a lot, I plan to see someone at the local university. It seems as though the decades on Klonopin effectually concealed the traits that cause many many people to think I am weird enough to warrant their judgement and ostracision. Oh, well. I haven't been sober long enough to have developed a sense of humor about this. Working for someone else, on their turf, is high school all over again, only 1000 times worse.


PAWS is such a disabling thing. If only the folks I come across these days knew that I used to have a pretty formidable brain. ???

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Well, as a retired educator and the daughter of an aerospace technical editor, judging by your writing, you still have a formidable brain.  ;D


I was going to suggest you change the title of your thread, though.  It reads like it's going to be a thank you note and most people are going to snooze over that one.  :laugh:


I might re-title it Do YOU work from home in recovery?  I need advice!  or something along those lines.



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This probably isn't something that would work for everyone but I just started a picker business. I am buying new and used items for resale. Right now my focus is on acquiring merchandise from thrift stores and reselling on ebay but eventually I want to get into sourcing at auctions and estate sales and even retail arbitrage from regular retailers and I also want to learn about selling on Amazon FBA for the new goods I come across.


This isn't a 100% home business for most people (although it could be....some people buy their merchandise from ebay and resell it under another user name) but it is almost a perfect fit for me. I say almost because I am good at sourcing items and as I continue to heal I am getting better at listing and such but since my cognitive function is still pretty bad in some ways I have to enlist help to take care of the business side of things and to keep everything organized.


It is a lot of work but it has pretty good income potential. I have control over my hours, I don't have a boss and limited interaction with customers, don't have to worry much about theft or employees or any typical pain in the ass issues that come with most businesses. It only cost a minimal amount to set it up and it started generating income immediately.


If this is something that interests you let me know and I will send you links to a few facebook groups that are a wealth of information for anyone who is interested in this business.



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