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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Please describe your head symptoms


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I am not sure how to describe mine but my head feels wrong.


It feels heavy and dead, pressured and pulsating.


I feel like a bobble head or something.


My head feels like a balloon and it is tingling and numb.


It's like all the sensation to my head has been cut off.


I have heavy spots in my brain and face and it feels like my brain isn't getting enough oxygen.

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Well if you weren't actually getting enough oxygen to your brain you wouldn't be typing. I have intense headaches because I'm grinding my teeth at night, and almost consistently in a fog

You are good, it's just an annoying symptom of the withdrawal caused by anxiety/tension. And since your CNS  is on the mrnd it's not inputting the information correctly, but every second it is figuring out how to correct this problem and everything else you are experiencing. It's going to be ok. We're going to be ok :-)

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I call it "cement head"!  I can't exactly describe it but I feel like I have a headrush without it being caused by standing up to quick or something. 
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Do you guys ever feel like you can't feel your body.


Like head and body aren't connected?


I feel like I am high and face skin feels numb. Wish I could describe it better.


Feel like my brain is swollen.


Or all muscles in my head are so tight that they are cutting off sensation.


Yes I could describe it as cement head

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I ahve so many weird head symptoms that come and go I can possibly list them all.  Add in skin numbness and burning and I am right there with you.  It is all withdrawal.  It sucks big time.  I was hoping it would be a lot less at four months off.  I don't have any this when I am in a window so i know it's withdrawal.  If it was something else it wouldn't come and go in waves.
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Or all muscles in my head are so tight that they are cutting off sensation.

It feels heavy and dead, pressured and pulsating.

it feels like my brain isn't getting enough oxygen.


Describes me perfectly.


Plus, muscles so tight that my head/truck have a pulsatile tremor.  Do you get that at all?


Headaches that are more like head pains.  All the way from the side of my forehead, down to my ears, into my cheek and around the back of my head ... AWFUL!!!


Oh, and sometimes I get numbness on one side of my mouth, but it's trivial compared with the other debilitating s/x.


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Hey abcd, I get the pain around my face and also the head, neck and trunk pulsating tremor. I def have those too.


Anyone feel the inside of the body feels numb and when they feel like this everything looks unfamiliar feel twitching , eyes go double and arms, legs and head feel like they aren't attached to the body?


I also get heaviness in parts of my body and sometimes feel like I am going paralyzed but moving on its own at the same time.

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I have bad head symptoms.  Actually, that's my main problem.  I've written a couple of other posts about it, but nobody seems to really have exactly what I do.  Mine are all constant/sharp pains on the left side only which sometimes numb down the side of the face and neck.  Almost always during the day and lets up at night.  Feels better while lying down, way worse when upright.  Along with this is a sensitivity to light and sound and a constant impending seizure feeling (which is actually the scary part).  Nothing relieves it so far.
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I don't have full body numbness.  It is all withdrawal and what we will all get will be a bit different.  Sometimes one of my arms or legs feels like it doesn't want to move or I have terrible thumb twitches.  It has all gone down considerably once I jumped. 


I just want to stress that NONE of us will have the same exact symptoms.  Please don't worry yuorself and cause further anxiety.  I know it's hard but I have had every damn symptom over the three year taper.  Yuo can drive yourself crazy trying to figure this out.  I just say "be the canoe and flow down the river of symptoms".  Once you accept them it will be a bit easier.  It still sucks though

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I get many of the head symptoms described here brain fog, heaviness in my head,somewhat disoriented feeling.  The new symptom is I feel somewhat dizzy and nauseous at times, feels like the first stage of fainting.  It's a bit worrisome and scary feeling.  I'm down to 1.5 mgs of valium( from 40 mg taper)  and just started feeling really poorly at this low dose a about 3 weeks ago.  Anyone relate to this at all.
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I wonder if this body numbness feeling is actually really bad dp.


I feel so out of it that it is like I have no sensation of my own body.


It is as if the body and brain are disconnected so that my sensation is all off.

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Sounds like it.  I had that occcasionally.  Very scary.  While I was typing my last reply my vision got all wavy.  Usually a sign of a three day headache.  When will this fun end? :crazy: 
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